Last weekend one of the many things Brock asked to do for his birthday was to go bowling. With the schedule we had going for us it looked like it was going to be a little hard to fit in bowling but we were able to take him directly after his party. My mom and chad came along with my brothers family. Alyvia stayed home with Nana and went to bed since it was such an exhausting day.
It was a blast and the first game James and I did great! We are so not the best bowlers but we each had a score over 100! That is a rare thing for me. Brock was cute, he would get so excited when the ball hit the pins on the first roll but on his second roll he would usually yell at his ball because it didn't go exactly where he wanted it. It was funny and he was a good sport about it all. He even managed to get a spare on the second game and his little arms shot straight into the air and he was a yelling. I think everyone near us heard since he was so happy. Kenzie and Titan loved taking turns at bowling and eventually Titan ended up falling asleep. Brock and Kenzie were so cute as they finished up the games together, they would meet in the middle and tell each other good job. Mom and Chad of course bowled great as they usually do and my brother and his wife had a great second game. James and I on the second game just stank. It isn't even worth the trouble of explaining it we were just horrible, but regardless of how we do on a first game we are always bad at the second game.
It was so much fun to just relax and enjoy the game with everyone. Brock told me the next day that he had the best birthday ever! 

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