Thursday, May 20, 2010


Do you know what the best presents are? The ones that come from a family that are hand me downs. I am a picture freak and hardly leave home without my camera. Well "Aunt" Sarah brought over her "old" tripod because she doesn't use it and thought I could use it since I don't have one. It was love at first sight LOL! No more setting the camera somewhere (counter, table, boxes) and then trying to adjust it so I can take a family portrait and hoping we are all in the frame together. The guys probably though I was a wacko because I was overly excited but they just don't understand. Haha it was priceless when I actually took a picture of it they thought I had lost my mind. :) So, thank you so much Aunt Sarah for the tripod, it is one of the best presents ever and I know you will believe me once you read it! LOL I have the best family ever!

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