The season came to an end for us on May 15, 2010. YAY!!! LOL I'm personally excited to have a break from practices and games for a while. Brock on the other hand asks about twice a week when sign ups are already. I guess that means we will be playing again for fall ball. :)
This season went by relatively fast. He had 2 games almost every week and formed some great new friendships. The coaches did great for their first time around and I hope we will be with them again in the fall. Brock learned so much this season and he absolutely loves the game. I also want to say a special thank you to everyone who came to watch. He thrived on his "fans" and it made that much more special to him. At the end of the last game Brock got his much anticipated trophy. This is something that he has been asking since the very first day of practice. I believe the coach asked everyone to introduce themselves and say something about yourself. My wonderful son proceeded with "Hi my name is Brock and I am 4 years old. By the way when do we get our trophies?" So when the coaches started handing them out Brock was the first one called up because our coaches new how much he was looking forward to it. I am so very proud of him and I can't wait to watch all the seasons to come.

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