Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day has never really been a huge event for us, mainly due to the fact that James always works! This year was no different. Funny thing is two weeks ago he was off Sat, Sun, and Mon, and then they promoted him to supervisor and he is back on the old days off of Thurs, Fri, Sat off. Stinks but we did have him with us for majority of the day.

We celebrated the day by going over to my sister-in-laws house where her boyfriend cooked us all breakfast. All of us consisted of James' mom Laurie, great Nana, his dad, brother, and nephews. It was so nice of Terry (sis in law Amy's bf) to cook for us! We ended up just hanging out for the majority of the day while the kids attempted to swim (pool was rather cold). It was nice to just be around family. I sat around and did nothing for the most part. I love those days.

We ended our day by being dropped off at my mom's house for dinner. James left for work and mom cooked dinner. Ending my day with my mom and kids was a perfect ending to Mother's Day. I think I will request that next year James have the day off!!

Oh and I almost forgot my presents. I got beautiful flowers, a card, a bag of chocolate, and a book! This has become somewhat of a tradition for him. Last year I got the same thing and I really hope he keeps it going for the years to come! Flowers I love regardless of what time of year it is and the chocolate is perfect because I rarely have cravings for it but when I do we never have any in the house. And for anyone who knows me I am a book freak and i absolutely love to read. It was so perfect! Happy Mother's to all Moms and I hope every one's day was as special as mine!

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