Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lunch with the family

I have been waiting for the day when James and I could actually take the kids out to eat at an actual restaurant and not a fast food place and truly enjoy ourselves. Usually Alyvia is a huge handful and will not sit still at a public table. Main reason why we always eat at home. Brock was the exact same way at her age. I love his age now because he doesn't mind sitting at the table coloring pictures, and just enjoying our company. Alyvia on the other hand used to try to escape of run wild at the restaurants.

We decided to risk our sanity and take the kids out to eat for lunch one day while running errands. Luckily it was a Friday and early afternoon so there was no crowd. The kids actually sat together on one side of the table and James and I sat on the other side. That was a first for us also, as usually one kid wants to sit with me and the other with James. They both colored on their own paper and stayed seated for the entire time, except of course for the many bathroom breaks Alyvia insisted on taking. I think the waiter is what really helped us as he put a rush on the kids food so it came out super fast, so the kids were busy eating instead of getting bored waiting for their food.

It was a really lovely lunch without any stress! Couldn't have asked for a nicer day.

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