Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bachelorette Party

My best friend Alicia is FINALLY getting married. Only took 6 years but its finally happening. So excited and happy for her that I can hardly stand it. The big day isn't until June but this last weekend was her Bachelorette Party. Her sister Samantha did such an amazing job at putting everything together. You look at there relationship and I envy them that they have each other. I won't go into all the main details but the night was definitely one to remember.

The night started out with a stripper in the hotel room. This was my first and I so hope last experience. I believe the correct term for me when around all the girls would be the prude of the group. lol Anyways at one point Reanna and I hid in the bathroom to get away from the stripper dude. Glad I had a getaway partner for that. Once Mr. Stripper dude left we all headed down stairs to the Foundation Room. Well things most definitely didn't go as planned as we were in no uncertain terms kicked out. Again another first for me! After that we headed to a lounge called Eye Candy and finished off the night there. By the time we ended up there only five of us girls remained. There was a dance floor and all the girls minus me danced there big butts off! Im not a huge fan of dancing I think that goes back to my self-conscious issues but I still had a blast and we all sat around talking and laughing. I even got propositioned that night!! Yet again another first for me! LOL

The overall night I think was a huge success. I for one am very proud of myself as I actually wore a dress and a short one at that! Alicia, I hope you enjoyed your "last night of freedom" and Samantha you did such an awesome job and thank you for including me!

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