Thursday, May 6, 2010

Call Me!

Who would have thought that a two year old's favorite thing to say is "Call Me." It really doesn't matter who you are or where we are at, the last thing Alyvia says to someone is "call me". I'm not sure how she came about that saying but it really is priceless.

If our neighbors come over or we are outside all getting ready to go in she has to shout to Sherry to call her. If any of our family calls and Alyvia gets the phone she will always tell the other caller to call her. As James leaves for work each day, we stand in the drive way waving, she will shout "love you daddy" and "call me".

I think that at some point Brock may have been the one to originally say call me and Alyvia picked it up that way. She seems to have a knack of copying anything and everything big brother does.

I love the little things kids do and say. Makes life that much more fun!

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