Brock was swimming last year without floaties so our goal is to get him back in the water with no floaties again. We know he can do it he's just needs to practice a little bit more. He is definitely our little fish and as long as he has floaties on he has no fear of the water. We usually have to drag him out to take a break and drink water. He could easily spend hours on end swimming.
Last year Alyvia was absolutely terrified of the water so we spent our time in the kiddie pools which isn't deeper then 2 ft. The first time we went in the pool was a couple weeks ago at my Aunt and Uncles house and again she was scared. Wouldn't even put on her floaties. The next time we went to our community pool she actually put her floaties on (thanks to the 3 other little girls wearing theirs!) and swam around. It was so exciting for all of us and she couldn't stop laughing. I really hope she continues to wear them.
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