Monday, June 6, 2011

Explorer of the Month

Since the beginning of the year Brock has been working really hard to get the Explorer of the month award. Each month every teacher picks one student from their class to be student of the month. It's such an honor to be chosen and at the beginning of the month their is an assembly held and each explorer of the month is called forward and the principal gives them their certificate and medal, then at the end of the day they get to have a Slurpee with her.

We received a letter a few weeks ago letting us know that Brock was chosen for the month of May and that we were invited to the assembly. We went to the assembly first thing in the morning and his name was first to be called. His teacher picked him because of all the hard work he has been doing all year long. He is also very polite, comes to school on time, and always does his best. He has a positive attitude every day and is a great friend to everyone. It took a lot not to cry when the principal was reading his certificate to all of us. He has really made us proud!

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