Sunday, June 19, 2011

Last day of Kindergarten

Well, kindergarten is finally over. This year has really flown by for all of us. I look back on where Brock was back in September and where he is now and it is amazing how much he has grown. When he first started kindergarten Brock could only recite his ABC's and count to 10. He knew how to write his first and last name but he did not recognize his numbers and letters if they were written on paper.

By the end of the year he can write his entire alphabet, count to 100, read at a level 1, and even write a short story. His imagination has really grown with all short stories he has written and he was also #2 reader in his class. I'm sure there are a million more things he has learned but needless to say we are beyond proud of him.

Since his school doesn't have an actual graduation ceremony Brock's teacher Mrs. Bedich invited all the parents to come to class on the last day of school while she handed out her own awards. She gave him the whopper award because he always came to class with a new story to tell every day. We can only imagine the kind of stories he told.

We took a few pictures with Mrs. Bedich and also her aide Ms. Dottie. I know Brock is really going to miss having them as his teacher as are we. They both made this year a memorable one. Now, our next adventure... First Grade!

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