Monday, June 6, 2011

No shoes on carpet

There's a rule in our house that no one wears shoes on the carpet. It can be a little inconvenient when you want to put your shoes on and then walk to our kitchen or walk from the kitchen to the downstairs bathroom and every time have to take off your shoes but it seems the kids have finally gotten used to it. Sometimes Alyvia will get frustrated and crawl on her knees when she is feeling lazy but usually every one abides by the rule.

One day Alyvia was in her defiant mood and decided she had the perfect solution to be able to walk on the carpet with her flip flops and not get in trouble. She came up with putting her socks on OVER her flip flops and that way the carpet stays clean and her shoes stay on her feet.

I swear she can be such a little pain but very clever! It only last about 10 minutes but still her mind is always working on ideas to make her life easier!

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