Monday, June 6, 2011

Cubs last game and trophy

T-ball season is FINALLY over! It has been an extremely long season which started way back in February and the last game was held on May 31st. This year Brock has grown so much as a ball player and has a great understanding of the game. There were several kids on his team that went to his school and also more friends of his on some of the other teams that he played against.

His favorite position is pitcher since the ball usually comes there more often then any other position and also first base. James spent a lot of time working on catching with him and Brock made some awesome plays this season. I may be just a little biased but I see a lot of potential in him if he keeps this sport up!

For the last game the only thing that mattered to him was his trophy. He played catcher the first inning and then pitcher the second so he ended the season on a good note but you could tell he was some what distracted once the trophies were in sight.

Finally the game was over and the coaches passed out trophies. He was so excited and all smiles! We gave him the option of playing again in the fall and he is all for it. So we all get a three month break and then its back to the ball field this fall but this time he is going to be on the rookie league which is coach pitch. Should be interesting!

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