Over the past weekend my Grandma and Papa from Colorado came to visit. They were in California and on there way home stopped in Vegas for a few days. We had a family barbecue at my Uncles house where we also celebrated their anniversary (33 years in July). I love being able to visit with them which isn't often enough. My grandma is such a clown and makes us laugh literally the entire time we are around her. My papa is a little hard of hearing but some of it I think is intentional, he likes to be silly! They are such amazing grandparents and I really wish we were able to see them more then once every other year.
Before they left we did one more family dinner but this time we headed out to the M resort to try their buffet. Seriously, it's one of the best buffets in town, that's my personal opinion though. We had a blast exchanging more stories and eating way to much food.
We are hoping next year to make it out to Colorado for the 4th of july. I really want my kids to have the best possible relationship with them as I did. Their is nothing better then being spoiled by your grandparents!

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