I was somewhat jealous about them all going because it sounded like so much fun. But the tickets were way pricey and I was given the hint that I was just not welcome! LOL Oh-well. James took Brock and everyone met up about an hour before the show started. The first thing those kids saw once they walked in was cotton candy. I already knew that Brock was going to be inhaling sugar that night, but i mean they hadn't even sat down before the adults got the kids sugar. I'm pretty sure that at sometime there was also snow cones and lord knows what else.
The show started and from what I gathered the dinosaurs were so life like and huge. Of course when the T-Rex came out all the kids screamed and then the baby t-rex came onto the stage and every one was like "awwww". That's the extent of the details of the show that I was given. Figures!
Afterwards everyone headed to Denny's for a late dinner. Terry, he works with James, then showed the kids all how to stick crayons up there noses and make funny faces. The night would have been perfect except once the food came out, poor Brock took one bite of his meal and needed to run to the bathroom to throw up. He was perfectly fine afterwards but that's what happens when there is to much excitement and sugar. I had learned that last year while at a football game with Brock, and now James learned that same lesson. Oh-well they all had a great time anyways and they are now talking about trying to get together at least once every other month for a boys night out.
(I am so proud of James for actually taking pictures... I've taught him well!)

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