Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kite Flying

It feels like it has been windy in Las Vegas for months now. I know that the months of March and April are usually some what windy but seriously it is getting ridiculous! Now a few weeks ago we tried bubbles in the wind and it didn't work out so well so I remember mentioning how the next time it's windy we will fly kites. I went to walmart and I found some small ones for only a dollar and by golly what do you know, today it is crazy windy! James put them together and both the kids took hold of their own kites and off soaring they went. Brock's got really high and all I could see was him letting go and off it goes but he did so well and kept really good control of it. Alyvia held hers the whole time by herself and thought it was the neatest thing ever. I kept her rope shorter so it wasn't as high but she loved every second of it. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the kites did seeming as they were only a dollar and you can tell cheaply made. They are still in good condition where we should be able to fly them at least one more time before something breaks. :)

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