Finally over spring break her, Ty, and the kids drove down for a visit. Its about a 15 hour drive so it's not one that anyone is willing to drive a whole lot. But they made it down and I tell you James was over the moon about seeing his sister. It has been almost a year since he last saw her so there reunion was so sweet. He missed his big sister so much! Brock remembered his Nina and the kids like he just saw them yesterday, but Alyvia took a little bit to re familiarize herself with them expect for my niece Haley, Aly remembered her and went right to her.
We had a great time visiting with them while in town even if it wasn't a lot of time. Now it's our turn to drive up to see them, which we are hoping to in June or July depending on when James can get time off. That should be a fun drive with two kids but hey it worth it see family!
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