Like most holidays we have a tradition with Easter. Every year my mom and Chad come over to watch the kids hunt for Easter eggs and then we have a delicious waffle breakfast. Not sure how it started but we've been doing this for years. So the kids woke up to there Easter baskets that the Easter Bunny brought them. The funny part was that every year Brock will usually wake me up to go down stairs with him to get the baskets only this year he decided to wake up before the rest of us and go downstairs and get his basket with out letting anyone know. It was so cute because when he finally came into our room he started telling us all about it and when asked about his sisters basket he ran back downstairs to bring it to her. I thought it was adorable but if he is that excited about Easter lord knows how he will react on Christmas next year. I will most definitely have to put the baby gate back at the top of the stairs.

So then it was off to the back yard so the kids could hunt down the eggs! It took Alyvia a little bit to understand the concept but once she finally figured it out she was on a roll. Brock of course was on those eggs and ended up gathering more then half of them but in the matter of minutes. It was so sweet to watch him help his sister too!!
After the egg hunt and waffle breakfast (which was so delicious) we hurried and got dressed so we could head on out to meet up with James side of the family. Before we left I of course made sure we took a family picture which I originally wanted outside but of course it was windy, so I settled for the kitchen! LOL Anyways we met up with the other half of the family at James' Nana's house and got to enjoy more great conversation with our cousins, aunt, brother, mom and dad. It was so nice to just spend some quality time with everyone.
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