Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Eggs

Easter is really not one of my favorite holidays, mainly because James has never really been able to celebrate with us. This year though because of his new schedule he was home for the first time. The night before is when the kids and I would dye our Easter eggs, it's always hectic because they make the biggest messes and I swear by the time it is all finished I have a few bald spots. This year thought James was able to participate and witness the wonderful mess our lovely kiddos make.

Alyvia's entire right hand was completely stained with every color imaginable thanks to her dad! James and Alyvia teamed up and did there own eggs while Brock and I partnered up to do ours. This way we could alternate the camera and I was actually in some pictures. So back to Alyvia's hands, James would let her drop the eggs in the dye and then instead of helping her get the eggs out he just told her to pick them up with her hand, hence the nicely dyed fingers. She is definitely our free spirit and loves to get messy. Brock and I on the other hand are usually more disciplined. Our fingers did get some what colored but we followed the rules and used that spoon like tin thing that came with the dye packages. We all did have a blast and laughed a lot. I even managed to get a family photo at the end of it!
And as always once the kids go to bed I put on my bunny ears (not really) and got the kids baskets all put together.

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