So something strange and interesting happened last Monday. Las Vegas saw one of the best snow storms ever!!!! Monday was the first of it but it didn't hit the entire town. So that night I took the kids to my moms house up in Summerlin and Brock and I and Nana played in the snow while Alyvia stayed all toasty inside. On the way home I had to stop and get gas and within 5 minutes of that I had a car accident. I was the only one involved so I am thankful for that but my car is a mess. The kids were perfectly fine. Both shaken up a little but once the initial shock wore off they were over it and Brock was telling everyone how mommies car was doing circles. I have minor injuries like a bruised foot, hand, knee, and the next day my ribs hurt from the seat belt and airbag. So we'll have to see what the insurance says about the car but from what the representative has told James it will more than likely be considered a total loss. Looks like car shopping is in our near future. For now we are just making due with one car and the help of family giving us rides or letting us borrow their cars.
Now for better news Christmas is only days away!!! James and I finally went Christmas shopping yesterday and got everything done in 3 hours!!! We knew exactly what we wanted so that made this years shopping so much easier. We can't wait till Christmas morning and to watch how excited Brock will be and Aly but I think Aly will be more into the wrapping paper then anything else.
Everyone is doing great. Right now my work is doing layoffs and we received a notice that come February my company will be doing a MASS LAYOFF that will infect all office staff. So we are keeping our fingers crossed that I will not be one of them and I will be able to keep my job. James' company is also doing layoffs but no one knows how many and will that will happen. So right now we are just being hopeful and taking it one day at a time.
Kids are perfect, Aly now has 5 teeth and we think we see two more trying to come through also so the poor thing has been very irritable lately and drooling like crazy. She is getting closer every day to walking and has stood for about 5 seconds all by herself until she realized and sat down real fast. It was exciting though!! Brock finally got his wish for snow. He has been begging to go to New York to see Kenzie and play in her snow so we were so happy that is snowed here. He had a blast and we got into a snow ball fight and we built a snowman and made snow angels. It was one of the best days ever!!! It took forever to convince him to come inside.
Well, we hope everyone has a great Christmas!!! Love to all!!
Love always,
The Morris Family.
Newest pics
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Holiday Season has arrived!
The past weeks have really flown by. We ended Brocks soccer season almost three weeks ago. He had a fun season and met some new friends. There was a trophy party that we attended and he was so excited to get his trophy and pictures. The trophy is now sitting on his night stand where he can look at it every night before bed. He was very excited about it but I don't think we will be playing any more sports for a little while. Maybe next fall we'll join a team but in the mean time I think he is enjoying the holiday season and just being at home.
We celebrated Thanksgiving at our house this year. James' mom Laurie came over early in the morning and helped me make the turkey, which I would like to add turned out great!!! His family joined us with Mom, Chad, Nana, and Zarek. I think this was the best Thanksgiving for me. We had all of our family together to enjoy a really nice meal. The kids played around the house while the adults had fun playing cards. Towards the end there was a big family card game of Go Fish that Gina won. It was a blast and its not often that we are all able to be together. Alyvia now loves mashed potatoes that her Auntie was feeding her and Brock's new favorite food is honey glazed ham. I took lots of pictures so I will post the link below.
Now, I cannot believe it is actually December! Where the heck has this year gone? In just a few short months miss Alyvia will be 1. That is just unthinkable to me. And Brock wow he has just grown so much this year. It is still so weird to me to be able to sit down with him and have a long conversation that actually makes sense. He really is his momma boy because boy can he talk. I'm starting to think he actually talks more then I do!!! He is just a riot.
Last Friday (day after Thanksgiving) we put up our tree and decorated the house. Brock was so into putting up everything and everyday reminds us that Santa is coming to his house soon. He helped put all the ornaments onto the tree and stick all our window stickers up on the windows. He loves showing Aly where everything is. The next day we talked Daddy into putting lights outside on the house. Aly sat in the porta crib in the garage while James and Brock sorted through all the lights. Brock was so excited about it that he really couldn't sit still. Aaron, James friend, came over and helped James with some of the lights by putting them in the bushes and trees. Now every night Brock loves to go outside to just look at his house. He is so proud of it and anytime we get visitors he has to personally show his lights off outside. We also have a small fabric tree hanging up in the kitchen. Its one of those count down to Christmas trees so there is 25 slots that we put a piece of candy in and every night he pulls one candy out and he knows that when he gets to the very top that means Santa is coming that night. It's so much more fun celebrating Christmas now that he is older and gets all into it.
The kids are doing great right now. Alyvia is fighting off an ear infection so she has been the most pleasant person to be around but she's getting better. She just wants to be cuddled lately. Brock is as active as ever. He has so much energy and is happy all the time. We are going to be taking the kids to go see Santa soon and then to opportunity village. I can't wait for that it will be Alyvia's first time seeing him, obviously, and Brock's like 4th so he's a pro at this.
James and I are the same old boring couple! LOL Nothing really new with us. Just work and the kids! It's been nice this week as he is on vacation and just sitting at home relaxing with the babies. I'm a little jealous as I have been working some very long hours, but that's OK I really enjoy what I do.
Well, we hope everyone is doing great!!!! Enjoy the holiday season and
Newest pictures
Thanksgiving pictures
Christmas decorating pictures
We celebrated Thanksgiving at our house this year. James' mom Laurie came over early in the morning and helped me make the turkey, which I would like to add turned out great!!! His family joined us with Mom, Chad, Nana, and Zarek. I think this was the best Thanksgiving for me. We had all of our family together to enjoy a really nice meal. The kids played around the house while the adults had fun playing cards. Towards the end there was a big family card game of Go Fish that Gina won. It was a blast and its not often that we are all able to be together. Alyvia now loves mashed potatoes that her Auntie was feeding her and Brock's new favorite food is honey glazed ham. I took lots of pictures so I will post the link below.
Now, I cannot believe it is actually December! Where the heck has this year gone? In just a few short months miss Alyvia will be 1. That is just unthinkable to me. And Brock wow he has just grown so much this year. It is still so weird to me to be able to sit down with him and have a long conversation that actually makes sense. He really is his momma boy because boy can he talk. I'm starting to think he actually talks more then I do!!! He is just a riot.
Last Friday (day after Thanksgiving) we put up our tree and decorated the house. Brock was so into putting up everything and everyday reminds us that Santa is coming to his house soon. He helped put all the ornaments onto the tree and stick all our window stickers up on the windows. He loves showing Aly where everything is. The next day we talked Daddy into putting lights outside on the house. Aly sat in the porta crib in the garage while James and Brock sorted through all the lights. Brock was so excited about it that he really couldn't sit still. Aaron, James friend, came over and helped James with some of the lights by putting them in the bushes and trees. Now every night Brock loves to go outside to just look at his house. He is so proud of it and anytime we get visitors he has to personally show his lights off outside. We also have a small fabric tree hanging up in the kitchen. Its one of those count down to Christmas trees so there is 25 slots that we put a piece of candy in and every night he pulls one candy out and he knows that when he gets to the very top that means Santa is coming that night. It's so much more fun celebrating Christmas now that he is older and gets all into it.
The kids are doing great right now. Alyvia is fighting off an ear infection so she has been the most pleasant person to be around but she's getting better. She just wants to be cuddled lately. Brock is as active as ever. He has so much energy and is happy all the time. We are going to be taking the kids to go see Santa soon and then to opportunity village. I can't wait for that it will be Alyvia's first time seeing him, obviously, and Brock's like 4th so he's a pro at this.
James and I are the same old boring couple! LOL Nothing really new with us. Just work and the kids! It's been nice this week as he is on vacation and just sitting at home relaxing with the babies. I'm a little jealous as I have been working some very long hours, but that's OK I really enjoy what I do.
Well, we hope everyone is doing great!!!! Enjoy the holiday season and
Newest pictures
Thanksgiving pictures
Christmas decorating pictures
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Brock Scored!!!
Last weekend was the absolute best weekend we have had in a long time. On Saturday Brock and I went to his soccer game and Aly and Daddy stayed home. Well, when we got to the game Brock said he didn't want to play yet he wanted to watch for a minute. So a few minutes go by and the coach yells to Brock to come out and play so he hurries up and gets in the game. After about two more minutes or so Brock sees his chances and he bee lines it for the ball. He kicked the ball and was able to break away from the cluster of kids and he heads for the goal. I had my camera in my hand and it was even turned on but as soon as I realized he had the ball and was running for the goal I immediately dropped everything in my hands and started running up the sidelines and screaming "Go Brock!!" He gets to the goal and there is another player right on his heals and he doesn't hesitate he takes his shot and he scores. I have never been more proud then that moment. As soon as he scores I started jumping up and down and the other parents are all jumping up and down and yelling and he looks at me with this huge smile and comes running my way and literally jumps into my arms saying "I did it mom! I scored, did you see it, I did it!" I hugged him and I had tears running down my face I was so proud of him. It was just so exciting as this season he never really wanted to play in the actual games only the practices. Needless to say he went back in the game and continued playing but he didn't get to score anymore. He came really close a few times but it was ok he got at least one shot in!!! I know James was kicking himself this time because the one game he misses Brock scores and I forgot to get pictures. Oh-well!
So that was our new and exciting news for this week. We are all getting ready for Thanksgiving which we are hosting at our house and James' side of the family will be coming along with my mom, chad, Nana, and hopefully Zarek. So this will be fun and exciting as James and I have never cooked a Turkey before and we get to have most of our family all together so its easier on us this year.
Aly is doing great. She was sick last week but doing much better. She just went to the doctors this morning and she is 22lbs 2oz and 28inches tall. She is finally eating her baby food like a champ which I thought she would never do. She loves to play ball with Brock and will chase after him like they are playing a game of tag. She is really a very easygoing and laid back little girl but each day she is getting more and more active. She has been walking a lot more while holding on to anything in reach and her teachers at school said she is showing signs that she may walk sooner then we anticipate as she is doing the same there. Who knows though, I am perfectly happy with her crawling right now.
Brock is being Brock. He is doing great in school and is still the little helper. Soccer season is nearing its end so we are thinking about whether or not we will put him in a sport for the winter season. He is getting more and more adventurous so I am waiting for the day we have a broken bone with him. He has learned how to climb on top of our counters in the kitchen with out using a stool or chair and he also likes to join Aly in her crib now and they just lay there on there backs and laugh at nothing, its cute but him getting in and out of there is so dangerous. I know he is just being a boy but he terrifies me sometimes with the things he does. He was also being more daring the other day and jumped from the 5th or 6th stair to the bottom and all you hear was a huge thud. He thought it was funny but did admit it hurt his foot a little bit. Zarek and him have been hanging out so much lately and its so funny to watch Brock just follow him like a little puppy. He really looks up to him and is always talking about how much he loves his Zarek. They even call each other on the phone and will talk forever it seems like. Brock will just walk around the house talking about this and that, James mentioned the other day that it reminds him of teenagers. LOL He's really matured since hanging out with his older cousin.
James and I are doing OK. We are just taking everything one day at a time. We've been busy with cleaning the house, getting it presentable for so much company and I am really looking forward to next Friday so we can start to decorate. Brock and I went out and bought some Christmas decorations and he asks everyday if we can put them up. He's really excited to put up all the window stickers, since he got to pick out almost all of them. I just can't wait till we can buy a real Christmas tree this year but I don't think we are doing that until the end of the first week of December.
Well, hope all is well with everyone!!! I have a few new pictures of the kids so I will post the link at the bottom.
Love always,
The Morris Family
So that was our new and exciting news for this week. We are all getting ready for Thanksgiving which we are hosting at our house and James' side of the family will be coming along with my mom, chad, Nana, and hopefully Zarek. So this will be fun and exciting as James and I have never cooked a Turkey before and we get to have most of our family all together so its easier on us this year.
Aly is doing great. She was sick last week but doing much better. She just went to the doctors this morning and she is 22lbs 2oz and 28inches tall. She is finally eating her baby food like a champ which I thought she would never do. She loves to play ball with Brock and will chase after him like they are playing a game of tag. She is really a very easygoing and laid back little girl but each day she is getting more and more active. She has been walking a lot more while holding on to anything in reach and her teachers at school said she is showing signs that she may walk sooner then we anticipate as she is doing the same there. Who knows though, I am perfectly happy with her crawling right now.
Brock is being Brock. He is doing great in school and is still the little helper. Soccer season is nearing its end so we are thinking about whether or not we will put him in a sport for the winter season. He is getting more and more adventurous so I am waiting for the day we have a broken bone with him. He has learned how to climb on top of our counters in the kitchen with out using a stool or chair and he also likes to join Aly in her crib now and they just lay there on there backs and laugh at nothing, its cute but him getting in and out of there is so dangerous. I know he is just being a boy but he terrifies me sometimes with the things he does. He was also being more daring the other day and jumped from the 5th or 6th stair to the bottom and all you hear was a huge thud. He thought it was funny but did admit it hurt his foot a little bit. Zarek and him have been hanging out so much lately and its so funny to watch Brock just follow him like a little puppy. He really looks up to him and is always talking about how much he loves his Zarek. They even call each other on the phone and will talk forever it seems like. Brock will just walk around the house talking about this and that, James mentioned the other day that it reminds him of teenagers. LOL He's really matured since hanging out with his older cousin.
James and I are doing OK. We are just taking everything one day at a time. We've been busy with cleaning the house, getting it presentable for so much company and I am really looking forward to next Friday so we can start to decorate. Brock and I went out and bought some Christmas decorations and he asks everyday if we can put them up. He's really excited to put up all the window stickers, since he got to pick out almost all of them. I just can't wait till we can buy a real Christmas tree this year but I don't think we are doing that until the end of the first week of December.
Well, hope all is well with everyone!!! I have a few new pictures of the kids so I will post the link at the bottom.
Love always,
The Morris Family
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
November Updates
Ok, so everyone is probably wondering why I am reverting back to this blog instead of that new website. Well, I decided I liked this website better for the blogs and that just posting a link to our pictures was much easier and the was continually freezing my computer. So here we are again.
A lot has happened in the past few weeks with our family. Little miss Alyvia is officially in the crawling stages and is going every where. She took her sweet time in crawling which I personally thought she never would begin. For over 2 months she would get on all fours and rock back and forth but never made the effort to move beyond that, and then she started crawling on the 1st and just jumped right into. I think once she realized that she could go where she wanted she just made the extra effort to move faster. She now is getting into everything and follows Brock every where. She has learned that the tile in the kitchen is slippery so she can slide around with out really crawling and that the cabinets in the kitchen are really fun to open and close. Brock also so kindly showed Aly where the stairs are, so we are constantly having to grab her and put her back in the living room. And she also found what used to be Brocks favorite thing to play with "SHOES"! If there is a shoe in sight, off she goes to grab it. James and I decided that at this age she is more of a daredevil then Brock ever was. She also can pull herself to a standing position from the couches and chairs and from her crib. She is even taking a few steps while holding on to things. We are keeping our fingers crossed that she will walk sooner then later.
Brock is doing great! He is such a great big brother and absolutely loves that his sister is mobile now. He is always playing with her and he likes to sit with his feet against Aly's feet and they pass toys back and forth together. Its priceless!!! School is great for him which he still loves going. He has made so many new friends these past few months. I love getting his weekly arts and crafts that we post on the refrigerator and listening to him tell us about his day. He is still doing Soccer which each week he seems more and more interested in playing. I am just so proud of him. Each day he is growing up more and showing a whole new side of him. We have been going to the park in Mountains Edge on the weekends and watching him play is so much fun. Last weekend James and Brock climbed that little mountain and he was so excited that the next day he wanted to do it again. He is also being more daring and trying to mimic the older kids around and scaring a few years off my life. I keep telling myself he is a boy and this is what boys do!
James and I are doing great. Almost two weeks ago we had a family member passed away from James side and that was very hard to deal with. Also my dad had a small heart attack last week and I haven't been that scared in a long time. He is doing great now and working on getting more healthier, but that didn't stop all the worrying I had going on inside. You have all these thoughts going on in your head about what if the outcome had been different does he know how much we love him and how important he is to us? Its been a little difficult taking this all in but its made us stronger as a couple and a family and its making us really open our eyes on what we normally take for granted. We are thankful to each and everyone of our family members and friends that are in our lives and we love you all very much. We are also taking the time to sit down and play with the kids just a little longer then we normally would, we eat at the dinner table every night together and we say "I love you" to each other so much more often. You just never know what tomorrow holds for us.
Now on to more happier thoughts there's nothing else really new going on in our household. We are all doing great, really looking forward to Christmas this year. We are hoping to get up to the mountains once it starts snowing soon. Hope everyone is doing wonderful and we give our love to you all!!!!
Love always,
The Morris Family
Here are some Videos~~~~~~~~~
Here are the newest pictures~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Open House and Pumpking Patch
As the kids are getting older, that only means one thing. James and I are getting older!!! LOL Yesterday we had open house at the kids' daycare. It was a lot of fun and we met the kids teachers and learned some very interesting new things. Miss Yvonne and Miss Rachel who are Brock's teachers had so many things to say about our little boy. They couldn't stress enough to us how well behaved he is. Brock has a lot of energy and sometimes it takes a few minutes to get his attention but once they have his attention he listens. He always cleans up his mess after he is done, whether it is playing with toys, coloring/painting, or having lunch. He never has to be told more then once. He is quite during circle time when he is supposed to be, and he participates in class discussions. His favorite thing about school is recces and arts and crafts, and lately the class has been dancing to different kids songs and of course Mr. Brock jumps at the opportunity to show off his moves. His teachers also told us he has such a kind heart. If one of his classmates gets hurt on the playground or inside he is one of the first to come running letting Miss Yvonne or Miss Rachel know so they can help. And he is still very polite, never forgets his please and thank yous. Hearing so much about him last night was wonderful. We worry not always knowing what is going on and how he is acting and hearing how much a wonderful boy he is really made us that much more proud of him. He will also be starting within the next week or two computer class on Wednesday's. He will get a half hour every Wednesday to go with 4 other kids his age to a computer class where they teach the kids how to use a computer and respect them. They have different programs they use and each week they get to learn something knew. As he gets older the teacher will go into vocabulary lessons and even math. For now though they focus on certain programs that asks the kids to distinguish different items on the screen and to take the mouse and click on those items. Brock did a trial lesson and was surprisingly very good. After each session the teacher will give them report cards saying how well they did and what we can do to work with them at home. Each month is a more detailed report card. It explains everything from how well the child listened to instructions, respected their computer, and how advanced they are with the programs.
Aly's class was much more tamer. Miss Mollie is Alyvia's teacher and always has something so sweet to say about our little girl. Aly is just a very happy and easy going baby. She loves to play with toys and listens intently when Miss Mollie sings a song or reads a book. She is always smiling and babbling. She is getting braver on crawling, she will shuffle her legs about twice before going back on her belly, so anytime now she should crawl. The only thing we need to work on is her appetite for real food. She still doesn't want baby food and is relying solely on her bottle but we have noticed as has her teacher that formula just is not enough anymore.
It was so wonderful being able to hear so much about the kids and what they do during the day, but it still depresses me because they are growing up so fast. Soon Brock will be in Kindergarten and Aly in pre-k! I really just want them to stay the way they are for ever!
Last Tuesday we took the kids to a pumpkin patch and picked out our pumpkins. There was also a lot of different farm animals. We got a bucket of carrots and were able to feed some of the horses. Brock was having a lot of fun but was just a little scared about feeding them. We saw horses, ponies, pigs, a donkey, billy goats, bunnies, and chickens. Aly was in awe over all the animals but especially loved the donkey and even petted him. Brock got to pet the chicken after chasing it for a little while, and the donkey was one of his favorites. The horses were a little to intimidating as they are so huge but the billy goats were just his size. There was also a slide and swing so of course we spent some time there so he could show off how he is such a big kid. Aly just laughed at all the silly things her brother was doing. It was a lot of fun and we got our pumpkins for carving and the kids had a new experience with farm animals.
Nothing else new going on as of now. Just getting ready for the holidays to come. I found some new crock pot recipes so I am excited about trying those out. I loved to cook more in the fall and winter. Not sure why but I know James isn't complaining. :) The weather started to cool off and now its going back up, but as long as we stay below 90 Brock and I are happy because then we can ride bikes and go to the park more. That's become our bonding times!
Yesterday was our three year wedding anniversary so this Friday we are going out to dinner and he is taking me to see Lance Berton at the Monte Carlo so that will be fun. I can't believe we have already been married for three years. Time has really flown by. I look forward to the next 50+ years with him. We hope all is well with everyone. Brock is still in soccer, last weeks game didn't go so well as he was very tired so nap time this Saturday will be earlier so hopefully he won't be to cranky to play.
The Morris Family xoxoxox
Aly's class was much more tamer. Miss Mollie is Alyvia's teacher and always has something so sweet to say about our little girl. Aly is just a very happy and easy going baby. She loves to play with toys and listens intently when Miss Mollie sings a song or reads a book. She is always smiling and babbling. She is getting braver on crawling, she will shuffle her legs about twice before going back on her belly, so anytime now she should crawl. The only thing we need to work on is her appetite for real food. She still doesn't want baby food and is relying solely on her bottle but we have noticed as has her teacher that formula just is not enough anymore.
It was so wonderful being able to hear so much about the kids and what they do during the day, but it still depresses me because they are growing up so fast. Soon Brock will be in Kindergarten and Aly in pre-k! I really just want them to stay the way they are for ever!
Last Tuesday we took the kids to a pumpkin patch and picked out our pumpkins. There was also a lot of different farm animals. We got a bucket of carrots and were able to feed some of the horses. Brock was having a lot of fun but was just a little scared about feeding them. We saw horses, ponies, pigs, a donkey, billy goats, bunnies, and chickens. Aly was in awe over all the animals but especially loved the donkey and even petted him. Brock got to pet the chicken after chasing it for a little while, and the donkey was one of his favorites. The horses were a little to intimidating as they are so huge but the billy goats were just his size. There was also a slide and swing so of course we spent some time there so he could show off how he is such a big kid. Aly just laughed at all the silly things her brother was doing. It was a lot of fun and we got our pumpkins for carving and the kids had a new experience with farm animals.
Nothing else new going on as of now. Just getting ready for the holidays to come. I found some new crock pot recipes so I am excited about trying those out. I loved to cook more in the fall and winter. Not sure why but I know James isn't complaining. :) The weather started to cool off and now its going back up, but as long as we stay below 90 Brock and I are happy because then we can ride bikes and go to the park more. That's become our bonding times!
Yesterday was our three year wedding anniversary so this Friday we are going out to dinner and he is taking me to see Lance Berton at the Monte Carlo so that will be fun. I can't believe we have already been married for three years. Time has really flown by. I look forward to the next 50+ years with him. We hope all is well with everyone. Brock is still in soccer, last weeks game didn't go so well as he was very tired so nap time this Saturday will be earlier so hopefully he won't be to cranky to play.
The Morris Family xoxoxox

Monday, October 6, 2008
October 6, 2008
Wow, it's October already! I can't believe how fast time flies. The year is almost over and the holidays are just around the corner. We got Alyvia's costume for Halloween, she is going to be a pumpkin, and we are still looking for Brock's costume as he wants to be Batman.
Alyvia is almost crawling. She loves to go up on her hands and knees and just rock back and forth but cannot seem to comprehend the moving of the legs to get her going. She is still not eating her baby food but we did find some snack cookies that she sucks on and they dissolve in her mouth. I did try making her food to see if she would like to taste better but that was a no go! She is just very content with her bottle! Oh-well she'll get it eventually!
Brock is having the time of his life. He has soccer practice on Wednesdays and his games are on Saturdays. Since the weather has been so nice we have been riding our bike outside more and going to the park in the neighborhood. He had his first soccer game last Saturday the 4th. It was fun to watch but he didn't exactly participate like he does at practice. At this age the game is more aggressive as the kids only want to get to the ball and run like crazy. So there is a lot of pushing and shoving and falling down. Brock got pushed a few times and it didn't sit well with him. He didn't want to play anymore because the kids were being mean according to him. He was confused since at school we practice and preach about being nice to each other and not pushing and then he goes to play soccer and he sees the opposite. We explained to him in the car that sometimes he will get pushed while playing and that while it's not necessarily nice of them it is part of the game and he has to shake it off and just keep going. He said he still wants to play which was great to hear. He just has to learn to be aggressive too! After the game we went to chucky cheese and he had a blast there.
One thing that I am really proud of Brock is how independent he has become. He is always there offering a helping hand to me or James when we are cleaning. He likes to help wash dishes and vacuum and sweep. He does laundry and cleans the bathrooms and picks up toys. Well yesterday I was cleaning as I usually do on Sundays and he came over to me and asked "May I help?" It was so cute that he is always wanting to help us around the house. Well, I asked him to go clean his room and when he was done I might have something else for him to do. He happily ran to his room and did as I asked. I went in to check on him and sure enough his room was clean. I had put a stack of clean clothes on his bed earlier to be put away and he put the clothes in three different piles and put them in their appropriate drawers. He was so excited that he opened all his drawers to show me were everything went and even more shockingly was they were in the right drawers. He then proceeded to show me everything else that he did. He opened his closet to show me that everything was put away and his dirty clothes were in his hamper, then he showed me his toy box where all his toys were put away, and finally he pointed to his bed that was made up perfectly. He was so proud of himself and kept saying "See I'm a big boy mom, I cleaned my room!" It was so adorable. He is growing up which everyday he reminds us about.
Nothing new going on for James and me. Our 3 year wedding anniversary is the 15th so we are looking forward to celebrating that and getting out of the house. We both look forward to our days off because during the week it's just non-stop in our household. We go to work, come home, have soccer practice, then dinner, bath, and finally bed and then the next day we do it all over again! But it is nice to have a routine schedule going on!
The Morris Family

Alyvia is almost crawling. She loves to go up on her hands and knees and just rock back and forth but cannot seem to comprehend the moving of the legs to get her going. She is still not eating her baby food but we did find some snack cookies that she sucks on and they dissolve in her mouth. I did try making her food to see if she would like to taste better but that was a no go! She is just very content with her bottle! Oh-well she'll get it eventually!
Brock is having the time of his life. He has soccer practice on Wednesdays and his games are on Saturdays. Since the weather has been so nice we have been riding our bike outside more and going to the park in the neighborhood. He had his first soccer game last Saturday the 4th. It was fun to watch but he didn't exactly participate like he does at practice. At this age the game is more aggressive as the kids only want to get to the ball and run like crazy. So there is a lot of pushing and shoving and falling down. Brock got pushed a few times and it didn't sit well with him. He didn't want to play anymore because the kids were being mean according to him. He was confused since at school we practice and preach about being nice to each other and not pushing and then he goes to play soccer and he sees the opposite. We explained to him in the car that sometimes he will get pushed while playing and that while it's not necessarily nice of them it is part of the game and he has to shake it off and just keep going. He said he still wants to play which was great to hear. He just has to learn to be aggressive too! After the game we went to chucky cheese and he had a blast there.
One thing that I am really proud of Brock is how independent he has become. He is always there offering a helping hand to me or James when we are cleaning. He likes to help wash dishes and vacuum and sweep. He does laundry and cleans the bathrooms and picks up toys. Well yesterday I was cleaning as I usually do on Sundays and he came over to me and asked "May I help?" It was so cute that he is always wanting to help us around the house. Well, I asked him to go clean his room and when he was done I might have something else for him to do. He happily ran to his room and did as I asked. I went in to check on him and sure enough his room was clean. I had put a stack of clean clothes on his bed earlier to be put away and he put the clothes in three different piles and put them in their appropriate drawers. He was so excited that he opened all his drawers to show me were everything went and even more shockingly was they were in the right drawers. He then proceeded to show me everything else that he did. He opened his closet to show me that everything was put away and his dirty clothes were in his hamper, then he showed me his toy box where all his toys were put away, and finally he pointed to his bed that was made up perfectly. He was so proud of himself and kept saying "See I'm a big boy mom, I cleaned my room!" It was so adorable. He is growing up which everyday he reminds us about.
Nothing new going on for James and me. Our 3 year wedding anniversary is the 15th so we are looking forward to celebrating that and getting out of the house. We both look forward to our days off because during the week it's just non-stop in our household. We go to work, come home, have soccer practice, then dinner, bath, and finally bed and then the next day we do it all over again! But it is nice to have a routine schedule going on!
The Morris Family

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Soccer Schedule Fall 2008
We finally have a soccer schedule for Brock. I was told when he signed up that all his games would be at 8am and that actually worked out perfect for us since the kids like to wake up early. Well, that won't be the case now, all his games will be on Saturdays in the afternoon. Hopefully that works for everyone who would like to come watch, it's not the greatest for us or most of the other parents. We realized that Brock and almost all of his team mates take naps around that time, so all of us parents have a feeling this will be a very interesting season. Anyways for anyone would like to come watch and show there support for Brock his schedule is below. Just remember that these games only last 25 minutes so don't be late!!! Also he is number 8. Hope to see everyone soon.
Game Schedule for the Rebel Kickers:
October 4, 2008 - 1:00PM
October 11, 2008 - 2:30PM
October 18, 2008 - 3:15PM
October 25, 2008 - 1:00PM
November 1, 2008 - 12:15PM
November 8, 2008 - 3:15PM
November 15, 2008 - 1:45PM
November 22, 2008 - 1:00PM
Location : Allegro Park Soccer Field #3. 1023 Seven Hills Drive, Henderson, NV 89052... near St. Rose Parkway and Eastern.
Game Schedule for the Rebel Kickers:
October 4, 2008 - 1:00PM
October 11, 2008 - 2:30PM
October 18, 2008 - 3:15PM
October 25, 2008 - 1:00PM
November 1, 2008 - 12:15PM
November 8, 2008 - 3:15PM
November 15, 2008 - 1:45PM
November 22, 2008 - 1:00PM
Location : Allegro Park Soccer Field #3. 1023 Seven Hills Drive, Henderson, NV 89052... near St. Rose Parkway and Eastern.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Its feels like the days are all blending into each other. The house is finally coming together nicely. All the pictures have been hung up, both the kids rooms are finally personalized , the garage is all cleaned out, and the patio cover is finished. It is finally feeling like home!! The weather has been cooling down so we have been spending a lot of time outside. Brock has a mini trampoline with an enclosure in the backyard so he loves to jump on that and while he is outside I take Alyvia's saucer out with us and she plays in that and watches Brock jump. It's so much fun, Brock loves to do silly tricks and Aly will start to laugh. We can all be out there for hours at a time and never get bored.
James is finally back to his original schedule. For a couple weeks it was hectic in our house because James was working 6 days a week with only 1 day off so it felt like we were always running around crazy to get things done.
Brock is still as always doing great. He still loves going to school and lately he has been going 5 days a week and absolutely loves it. On the weekend he would act all bummed that he couldn't go to school. He has been learning how to trace letters and numbers and is starting to get the hang of it. He started soccer practice two weeks ago and he seems to like playing. He has met some new friends but his attention span is still short so after a while I will catch him ignoring his coach and twice now he has started playing in the dirt with another little boy. Its actually pretty funny. There are 5 boys and 4 girls on the team, not including him. When he is participating he is very competitive and when he makes a goal he looks over at me and gives two thumbs up with a huge smile!! It makes me so proud of him and reminds me of when I was little and my mom would give me the two thumbs up when I would make a great play or score a goal. Now I know how proud she felt of me!
Alyvia is growing like a tree. She is babbling more everyday and loves to say "da da". She still isn't crawling but is getting close. She is happy most when Brock is around and they love to play cars and Lego's together. She is also a little water baby. When it is bath time and she sees the water running in the tub she gets so excited she squeals and laughs and when she is finally in the tub she splashes so much and laughs that I even get a nice little shower from it! It's so cute!
This past weekend James and I went out and bought Alyvia a big girl car seat. Its a reversible one so until she gets bigger (we are thinking around 30-35lbs) she is rear-facing and then we can turn her to forward facing later down the road. She loves it because it has more room and she can see Brock better, which he loves too! Brock got to spend Friday night at Nay-Nay's house and play with Zarek (cousin) and Nana. I had a hard time getting him to come home on Saturday, he just didn't want to leave. He calls Zarek his big brother and all day Sunday he talked about him. It's nice he has Zarek to look up to, except now Brock is 3 1/2 years old going on 7. This morning he got ready for school all by himself and that included getting dressed, brushing his teeth, and making his bed. He didn't want any help and when I tried to help him make his bed, he put his hands on his hip and told me "MOOOOOOMMMMM, I'm a big boy and I can do this by myself!" It was cute but also depressing, he doesn't need my help as much now!
For anyone in town, Brock's first soccer game is now on October 4th. I don't have the schedule yet, I think we should get it this Wednesday at practice because that is when we get his jersey, so for anyone that is interested I will do an update this week with the location, but I do know it will be somewhere in Henderson at 8am.
The Morris Family
James, Alexis, Brock, & Alyvia

James is finally back to his original schedule. For a couple weeks it was hectic in our house because James was working 6 days a week with only 1 day off so it felt like we were always running around crazy to get things done.
Brock is still as always doing great. He still loves going to school and lately he has been going 5 days a week and absolutely loves it. On the weekend he would act all bummed that he couldn't go to school. He has been learning how to trace letters and numbers and is starting to get the hang of it. He started soccer practice two weeks ago and he seems to like playing. He has met some new friends but his attention span is still short so after a while I will catch him ignoring his coach and twice now he has started playing in the dirt with another little boy. Its actually pretty funny. There are 5 boys and 4 girls on the team, not including him. When he is participating he is very competitive and when he makes a goal he looks over at me and gives two thumbs up with a huge smile!! It makes me so proud of him and reminds me of when I was little and my mom would give me the two thumbs up when I would make a great play or score a goal. Now I know how proud she felt of me!
Alyvia is growing like a tree. She is babbling more everyday and loves to say "da da". She still isn't crawling but is getting close. She is happy most when Brock is around and they love to play cars and Lego's together. She is also a little water baby. When it is bath time and she sees the water running in the tub she gets so excited she squeals and laughs and when she is finally in the tub she splashes so much and laughs that I even get a nice little shower from it! It's so cute!
This past weekend James and I went out and bought Alyvia a big girl car seat. Its a reversible one so until she gets bigger (we are thinking around 30-35lbs) she is rear-facing and then we can turn her to forward facing later down the road. She loves it because it has more room and she can see Brock better, which he loves too! Brock got to spend Friday night at Nay-Nay's house and play with Zarek (cousin) and Nana. I had a hard time getting him to come home on Saturday, he just didn't want to leave. He calls Zarek his big brother and all day Sunday he talked about him. It's nice he has Zarek to look up to, except now Brock is 3 1/2 years old going on 7. This morning he got ready for school all by himself and that included getting dressed, brushing his teeth, and making his bed. He didn't want any help and when I tried to help him make his bed, he put his hands on his hip and told me "MOOOOOOMMMMM, I'm a big boy and I can do this by myself!" It was cute but also depressing, he doesn't need my help as much now!
For anyone in town, Brock's first soccer game is now on October 4th. I don't have the schedule yet, I think we should get it this Wednesday at practice because that is when we get his jersey, so for anyone that is interested I will do an update this week with the location, but I do know it will be somewhere in Henderson at 8am.
The Morris Family
James, Alexis, Brock, & Alyvia

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wow, I cannot believe how fast August has just flown by. It's already September and before we know the holidays will be here. I personally can't wait!!
Well, James' turned 26 last month. It was a nice birthday we went out to dinner with family and then I took him to see a movie which we haven't done in forever. He also got his wish for his birthday and received his new IPhone. I had wanted to surprise him with it so I had mentioned that maybe in the next few weeks we would go see about purchasing one. Well, on his birthday Brock, Alyvia and I walk in the house and Brock was holding daddy's present and the look on James' face was a true look of wonder and surprise. He was so happy, and completely surprised, that he was actually speechless. Brock was all proud of himself and kept saying, "Happy Birthday daddy, do you like my present?" I think we really made this birthday for him memorable.
Our house is coming along great. At the moment we are getting our backyard done. We had a few people gives us bids and finally picked a company to do the back patio and patio cover. Right now the concrete for the patio is done so we are just waiting on the patio cover to be installed. Hopefully next month we have the landscaping done too. We just want rock and some turf (fake grass) put in. I can't wait though for the patio cover because James loves barbecuing and with the weather getting ready to cool down we will be eating outside just about every night!
Mr. Brock is still the same little boy only growing up more. His letter of the week at school is S so he has been learning all about words that start with S. I absolutely love that he is in school because at the end of each week the teachers give us his art folder and we get to place some of them on our fridge. He hasn't mentioned his girlfriend recently and when I bring up her name he becomes all shy but his best friends name is Jerel (have no clue as to the spelling) and Ms. Rachel says they are inseparable. They each breakfast, lunch and snacks together, play on the play ground together, all activities they are side by side and even nap time there cots are next to each other. He talks non stop about him on the way home from school and will basically give me a play by play of his day. I feel so lucky that Brock loves school and has friends. It makes my days at work so much better not having to really worry about him. He is such a bright child. Mom even mentioned to me about a week or so ago about how Brock no longer has the toddler look and is turning into a little (big) boy. Also we have his first soccer meeting this weekend 9-6-08 to find out his practice schedule and then games start on September 27th. I believe that all of Brock's soccer games will be at 8am somewhere in Henderson. I know very early and far so if you would like to join us in cheering him on we would love to see you if not I will be taking lots of pictures. But be sure to remember his games only last 25-30 minutes.
Miss Alyvia is on a roll these days. She now has two bottom teeth and a third that is trying to pop in. Her top gums are swollen and the doctor said he wouldn't be surprised if she had a few top teeth as well before the end of the month. She is also so very close to crawling. When she lays on her tummy she tries to get up on her hands and knees and then just rocks back and forth. Brock and I work with her every night and she's starting to get the hang of it. Alyvia also said her first word two weeks ago. It was "Da Da" James was so excited and just about jumped right out of his shoes. Both the kids said the same word and I practiced and practiced with Alyvia to say "Ma Ma' but nope she had to say da da and now she says it all the time. Brock thought it was so funny so now he is trying to teach her to say his name and brother. I don't know what I'll do then if she says Brock before ma ma, but I honestly won't be to surprised because she absolutely adores him. Now that she sits up on her own her they are closer then ever. They watch cartoons together and play with their toys. He loves to dance for her and make funny faces and noises to get her to laugh. When she gets into a crabby mood all it takes is Brock to coming running for her and she is all smiles. Our mornings before school I think are the best because once she wakes up Brock is on the bed talking to her and they are both laughing. His newest saying to her is "Hi baby girl! How's my baby girl this morning?" And she just smiles and laughs at him and doesn't let him out of her sight.
Also we recently took some family pictures so click on the link below to view those. That was definitely an experience. Alyvia loved the camera and smiled but Brock was another story! He is just a goofball.
Well, James' turned 26 last month. It was a nice birthday we went out to dinner with family and then I took him to see a movie which we haven't done in forever. He also got his wish for his birthday and received his new IPhone. I had wanted to surprise him with it so I had mentioned that maybe in the next few weeks we would go see about purchasing one. Well, on his birthday Brock, Alyvia and I walk in the house and Brock was holding daddy's present and the look on James' face was a true look of wonder and surprise. He was so happy, and completely surprised, that he was actually speechless. Brock was all proud of himself and kept saying, "Happy Birthday daddy, do you like my present?" I think we really made this birthday for him memorable.
Our house is coming along great. At the moment we are getting our backyard done. We had a few people gives us bids and finally picked a company to do the back patio and patio cover. Right now the concrete for the patio is done so we are just waiting on the patio cover to be installed. Hopefully next month we have the landscaping done too. We just want rock and some turf (fake grass) put in. I can't wait though for the patio cover because James loves barbecuing and with the weather getting ready to cool down we will be eating outside just about every night!
Mr. Brock is still the same little boy only growing up more. His letter of the week at school is S so he has been learning all about words that start with S. I absolutely love that he is in school because at the end of each week the teachers give us his art folder and we get to place some of them on our fridge. He hasn't mentioned his girlfriend recently and when I bring up her name he becomes all shy but his best friends name is Jerel (have no clue as to the spelling) and Ms. Rachel says they are inseparable. They each breakfast, lunch and snacks together, play on the play ground together, all activities they are side by side and even nap time there cots are next to each other. He talks non stop about him on the way home from school and will basically give me a play by play of his day. I feel so lucky that Brock loves school and has friends. It makes my days at work so much better not having to really worry about him. He is such a bright child. Mom even mentioned to me about a week or so ago about how Brock no longer has the toddler look and is turning into a little (big) boy. Also we have his first soccer meeting this weekend 9-6-08 to find out his practice schedule and then games start on September 27th. I believe that all of Brock's soccer games will be at 8am somewhere in Henderson. I know very early and far so if you would like to join us in cheering him on we would love to see you if not I will be taking lots of pictures. But be sure to remember his games only last 25-30 minutes.
Miss Alyvia is on a roll these days. She now has two bottom teeth and a third that is trying to pop in. Her top gums are swollen and the doctor said he wouldn't be surprised if she had a few top teeth as well before the end of the month. She is also so very close to crawling. When she lays on her tummy she tries to get up on her hands and knees and then just rocks back and forth. Brock and I work with her every night and she's starting to get the hang of it. Alyvia also said her first word two weeks ago. It was "Da Da" James was so excited and just about jumped right out of his shoes. Both the kids said the same word and I practiced and practiced with Alyvia to say "Ma Ma' but nope she had to say da da and now she says it all the time. Brock thought it was so funny so now he is trying to teach her to say his name and brother. I don't know what I'll do then if she says Brock before ma ma, but I honestly won't be to surprised because she absolutely adores him. Now that she sits up on her own her they are closer then ever. They watch cartoons together and play with their toys. He loves to dance for her and make funny faces and noises to get her to laugh. When she gets into a crabby mood all it takes is Brock to coming running for her and she is all smiles. Our mornings before school I think are the best because once she wakes up Brock is on the bed talking to her and they are both laughing. His newest saying to her is "Hi baby girl! How's my baby girl this morning?" And she just smiles and laughs at him and doesn't let him out of her sight.
Also we recently took some family pictures so click on the link below to view those. That was definitely an experience. Alyvia loved the camera and smiled but Brock was another story! He is just a goofball.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Happy Birthday
Well I have finally turned 21. YAY! Last week was my birthday and it was so much fun! It all started when I woke up and went down stairs to make my morning coffee. As I was walking down stairs I noticed printer paper all over the carpet. I didn’t have my contacts or glasses on so at first I had no idea there was writing on them. So when I opened the fridge to grab my cream for my coffee there was a piece of paper in the fridge and it said “Happy 21st Birthday.” I finally went back upstairs to grab my glasses and went around the house collecting my Birthday papers from various places. There were a total of 21 pieces of paper and all of them wishing me a happy birthday that my Nana had made through out the night from her, James, Brock, Alyvia, and the cats. It was the neatest thing ever and was the perfect start to my day.
I then took the kids to school where Brock announced to his class that it was my birthday. So before I left I had about fifteen three year olds all shouting “Happy Birthday Brock’s Mom!!” It made me feel even more special and as I was walking out I looked back in and Brock was just beaming with pride at me!!!
The day went by pretty fast with my coworkers all wishing me happy birthday and my boss taking me out to lunch but what topped it all off was James had sent me these gorgeous flowers that arrived right after lunch time. I don’t get flowers often so when I do it makes it even more special to me! Anyways, we ended the day by having a small family dinner at Olive Garden and when the waiters sang me Happy Birthday Brock got to blow out my candle. He was so happy for me! Thank you to everyone who called to wish me a happy birthday!!
Now onto other news, Alyvia is now sitting up longer and playing with her toys. I uploaded some pictures onto our photo bucket. Brock loves that she is more active because now they are playing more together. She grabs everything within reach or puts her hands out and Brock gives up his toys to her! Never in a million years did we think he would not mind her taking over his toys LOL. Everyday she is getting one step closer to crawling. Brock is always showing her and Aly kicks those legs like crazy trying to copy him. She absolutely adores him and lately when she gets into a fussy mood he is always there to cheer her up usually by dancing or making funny faces and she immediately starts giggling.
Brock has become more independent then ever. When he wakes in the morning he immediately goes potty and then goes and gets dressed and puts his clothes in his laundry basket. One of us is usually awake and already down stairs but if not he will come into our room and wake us up to go down stairs with him. He gets himself his milk (which is already poured in a cup in the fridge) and grabs a pop tart and asks to watch cartoons.
He’s into that stage where he likes to help with the household chores and do anything that mommy or daddy does. He’s been sweeping the kitchen and helping with dishes, gathering clothes for laundry and trying his hardest to learn to make his bed. He’s even been helping us get Alyvia changed and dressed now. Lately his favorite words are “yes sir and no sir” and “may I do this” or “may I do that”. His new favorite cartoon character is Batman and Sponge Bob and he has been doing this laugh lately that is so annoying but hilarious and it’s the same laugh that Sponge Bob does, so if you have ever watched that cartoon you know what I am talking about.
Some days we watch Brock and realize that he is no longer a toddler but a little boy who is growing up more each day. In two years from now he will be in Kindergarten and then we know that the time will just fly by from then on. And looking at Alyvia I just can’t get over that she will be 6 months old on Wednesday. It feels like just yesterday she was barely a month old. I’m just not ready for either of them to get any older or bigger.
I then took the kids to school where Brock announced to his class that it was my birthday. So before I left I had about fifteen three year olds all shouting “Happy Birthday Brock’s Mom!!” It made me feel even more special and as I was walking out I looked back in and Brock was just beaming with pride at me!!!
The day went by pretty fast with my coworkers all wishing me happy birthday and my boss taking me out to lunch but what topped it all off was James had sent me these gorgeous flowers that arrived right after lunch time. I don’t get flowers often so when I do it makes it even more special to me! Anyways, we ended the day by having a small family dinner at Olive Garden and when the waiters sang me Happy Birthday Brock got to blow out my candle. He was so happy for me! Thank you to everyone who called to wish me a happy birthday!!
Now onto other news, Alyvia is now sitting up longer and playing with her toys. I uploaded some pictures onto our photo bucket. Brock loves that she is more active because now they are playing more together. She grabs everything within reach or puts her hands out and Brock gives up his toys to her! Never in a million years did we think he would not mind her taking over his toys LOL. Everyday she is getting one step closer to crawling. Brock is always showing her and Aly kicks those legs like crazy trying to copy him. She absolutely adores him and lately when she gets into a fussy mood he is always there to cheer her up usually by dancing or making funny faces and she immediately starts giggling.
Brock has become more independent then ever. When he wakes in the morning he immediately goes potty and then goes and gets dressed and puts his clothes in his laundry basket. One of us is usually awake and already down stairs but if not he will come into our room and wake us up to go down stairs with him. He gets himself his milk (which is already poured in a cup in the fridge) and grabs a pop tart and asks to watch cartoons.
He’s into that stage where he likes to help with the household chores and do anything that mommy or daddy does. He’s been sweeping the kitchen and helping with dishes, gathering clothes for laundry and trying his hardest to learn to make his bed. He’s even been helping us get Alyvia changed and dressed now. Lately his favorite words are “yes sir and no sir” and “may I do this” or “may I do that”. His new favorite cartoon character is Batman and Sponge Bob and he has been doing this laugh lately that is so annoying but hilarious and it’s the same laugh that Sponge Bob does, so if you have ever watched that cartoon you know what I am talking about.
Some days we watch Brock and realize that he is no longer a toddler but a little boy who is growing up more each day. In two years from now he will be in Kindergarten and then we know that the time will just fly by from then on. And looking at Alyvia I just can’t get over that she will be 6 months old on Wednesday. It feels like just yesterday she was barely a month old. I’m just not ready for either of them to get any older or bigger.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Alyvia's First Tooth
Alyvia has had this fever for going on two days now. We have given her Tylenol and cool baths, and it helps but lately she has just been very restless. I felt her gums on Friday 8-8-08 and they were very swollen. So we knew that she would be cutting teeth soon and that was the reason for all her sickly symptoms.
Well today, 8-10-08 she finally cut her first tooth!!! It is the bottom right front tooth. And now that the tooth came through she is finally settling down. We are so excited for her, she is growing so fast. Brock got his first tooth when he was 10months, so James and I were in shock for a second that it happened so soon for Aly.
She is now sitting up on her own, till she gets distracted and falls over or sees her toes and dives for them! She rolls from front to back and back to front. When she is on her tummy Aly is trying to push off of things, so we are hoping with a little more practice she will be crawling soon. She grabs anything and everything that is within arms reach and puts it straight for her mouth. LOL
Brock is still the same little boy. Very energetic and the little helper. For the past few days he has been so loving and nurturing towards his sister, it brings me to tears. He would run and grab her pacifier or bottle whenever she started to fuss, getting her blankets, and wet washcloths, he was Alyvia's fetcher when she would continuously throw her teething rings to the floor, and he sang lullabies with mommy to soother her to sleep. Brock was so worried about Aly, he is such a wonderful big brother.
The kids are still in school and loving it. Brock told James and I last week that he has a new girlfriend. Her name is Reese and she is 3 years old and according to him she is "BEAUTIFUL"!! Brock's teacher said he is very protective of her and that they are really close friends. Geez only 3 years old and already a ladies man.
Hope everyone is doing great!!!!!! Love you all!

Well today, 8-10-08 she finally cut her first tooth!!! It is the bottom right front tooth. And now that the tooth came through she is finally settling down. We are so excited for her, she is growing so fast. Brock got his first tooth when he was 10months, so James and I were in shock for a second that it happened so soon for Aly.
She is now sitting up on her own, till she gets distracted and falls over or sees her toes and dives for them! She rolls from front to back and back to front. When she is on her tummy Aly is trying to push off of things, so we are hoping with a little more practice she will be crawling soon. She grabs anything and everything that is within arms reach and puts it straight for her mouth. LOL
Brock is still the same little boy. Very energetic and the little helper. For the past few days he has been so loving and nurturing towards his sister, it brings me to tears. He would run and grab her pacifier or bottle whenever she started to fuss, getting her blankets, and wet washcloths, he was Alyvia's fetcher when she would continuously throw her teething rings to the floor, and he sang lullabies with mommy to soother her to sleep. Brock was so worried about Aly, he is such a wonderful big brother.
The kids are still in school and loving it. Brock told James and I last week that he has a new girlfriend. Her name is Reese and she is 3 years old and according to him she is "BEAUTIFUL"!! Brock's teacher said he is very protective of her and that they are really close friends. Geez only 3 years old and already a ladies man.
Hope everyone is doing great!!!!!! Love you all!

Monday, July 28, 2008
Our New Home
James and I are officially home owners!!! We signed our loan docs on July 21st and on July 23rd we were able to pick up our keys to our very first home! On Wednesday night James and his friend Brent went to our storage and in less then 4 hours moved everything into our garage. On Thursday James and his brother were able to get almost all of the boxes and furniture in their appropriate room and start to get some things organized. I spent all night Thursday, Friday and Saturday getting everything unpacked. We only have a few boxes in the garage left but its all storage so all we need to do is put them on shelves and we are finished!! It is the greatest feeling in the world to finally have a place to call home.
The funny part is James and I were talking the other night and we were laughing at how excited we were to have our home but also to own our own refrigerator, washer and dryer, be allowed to own a pet without asking permission, or paint the walls if we want to. We no longer have to wait on the owner to get someone out to fix something if there is a problem within the house. We finally are allowed to be the decision makers!!! It is just so exciting!!!And for those who are in town we moved to Mountains Edge Area off of Blue Diamond and Buffalo.
Anyway, Brock loves his new home and absolutely loves his room. He was so excited to have all of his toys back and his own bathroom and couch. LOL He was running around like a kid in a candy store re familiarizing himself with everything. Alyvia finally has her own room and is sleeping wonderfully in her crib! She is able to lay on the ground and play with her toys now that we have carpet in our living room, whereas at our last house it was just tile.
Alyvia also hit a big milestone in her young little life. She finally rolled over on her own!!! I thought it would never happen and on Thursday night 7/24/08 while she was playing on the ground while I was putting her crib together, she started talking loudly and as I looked over she was on her side concentrating really hard and what do you know, she rolled over onto her belly and looked up at me with this huge smile on her face like "Look mom, look what I just did" It was so neat and brought back those memories of when Brock was her age and did those things. She is just growing up on me to fast. She is now 5 months and 1 week and the time keeps passing by so suddenly.
Brock is still the best big brother ever. He just absolutely adores his sister and is always trying to talk to her and get her to play with him. He still loves school and his teacher said he is very smart and a great listener. He is so eager to learn everything!
We are hoping to get the backyard done soon so we get back to having our barbecues and Brock can play outside more.
Thank you Nana for the T.V. and hutch it looks so beautiful in the home, can't wait for you to come over and see it!
Hope everyone is doing great, hopefully sometime soon all the Vegas clan can get together, seems like forever since we have had a big family get to togethe
The funny part is James and I were talking the other night and we were laughing at how excited we were to have our home but also to own our own refrigerator, washer and dryer, be allowed to own a pet without asking permission, or paint the walls if we want to. We no longer have to wait on the owner to get someone out to fix something if there is a problem within the house. We finally are allowed to be the decision makers!!! It is just so exciting!!!And for those who are in town we moved to Mountains Edge Area off of Blue Diamond and Buffalo.
Anyway, Brock loves his new home and absolutely loves his room. He was so excited to have all of his toys back and his own bathroom and couch. LOL He was running around like a kid in a candy store re familiarizing himself with everything. Alyvia finally has her own room and is sleeping wonderfully in her crib! She is able to lay on the ground and play with her toys now that we have carpet in our living room, whereas at our last house it was just tile.
Alyvia also hit a big milestone in her young little life. She finally rolled over on her own!!! I thought it would never happen and on Thursday night 7/24/08 while she was playing on the ground while I was putting her crib together, she started talking loudly and as I looked over she was on her side concentrating really hard and what do you know, she rolled over onto her belly and looked up at me with this huge smile on her face like "Look mom, look what I just did" It was so neat and brought back those memories of when Brock was her age and did those things. She is just growing up on me to fast. She is now 5 months and 1 week and the time keeps passing by so suddenly.
Brock is still the best big brother ever. He just absolutely adores his sister and is always trying to talk to her and get her to play with him. He still loves school and his teacher said he is very smart and a great listener. He is so eager to learn everything!
We are hoping to get the backyard done soon so we get back to having our barbecues and Brock can play outside more.
Thank you Nana for the T.V. and hutch it looks so beautiful in the home, can't wait for you to come over and see it!
Hope everyone is doing great, hopefully sometime soon all the Vegas clan can get together, seems like forever since we have had a big family get to togethe
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Brock and Alyvia
Well, here is a little insight on what is going on within the Morris household. We are still currently living with Mom and Chad. Hopefully only for another week and a half. We have our final walk through for our house next Monday and the lender and Pardee homes are telling us that we should close within a week from that. Cross your fingers we are hoping for next Friday to be the day!!!
The kids started daycare this past Monday and it has been very successful. They are now going to Sunset Station Children's Choice Learning Center. Its only 5 minutes from my work which I love because on my lunches if I want to I can stop by and visit. Brock has made a ton of new friends and actually looks forward to going to school. He is now in preschool so there is a curriculum and he is learning new things everyday. I can't figure out what his new friends name's are because when we ask him he will reply with "Mom, they are my boys they don't have names." Except he did inform me yesterday when I picked him up that he has a new friend and of all the names this little boys name is Brock also. And yes it is true his teacher told me the same thing. I thought it was so funny but I don't think our Brock is liking the fact that someone has his name! Anyways, his teachers told me that he is such a wonderful child to be around, he is so polite and always listens, and he is a true leader. He is very outgoing and will take control of any situation but when there are to many people paying attention to him he will become very shy and try to back away. That's my boy alright!!!
Alyvia is also in daycare and I have to say I am so happy with the teachers she has. There are only 4 babies per room so she gets the attention she needs. Her teachers everyday say she is such a joy and always happy. She never cries and is fascinated by the other babies. She coos at all of them and giggles like crazy. I feel so comfortable with her there but of course I still call all the time to check up on her.
The newest news that we have to share is James and I signed up Brock for soccer!! The national youth sports has a league for a 3 year old to play soccer. His season starts on September 27 and ends November 15. We are so excited because he will meet new friends and also James and I will be able to meet the parents. It will be something for all of us to look forward too for Saturdays. I don't expect him to understand the game or play competitively but for him to just have fun and be around other kids his same age and who knows maybe create a lasting friendship from. So we'll see how much he likes it.
The kids started daycare this past Monday and it has been very successful. They are now going to Sunset Station Children's Choice Learning Center. Its only 5 minutes from my work which I love because on my lunches if I want to I can stop by and visit. Brock has made a ton of new friends and actually looks forward to going to school. He is now in preschool so there is a curriculum and he is learning new things everyday. I can't figure out what his new friends name's are because when we ask him he will reply with "Mom, they are my boys they don't have names." Except he did inform me yesterday when I picked him up that he has a new friend and of all the names this little boys name is Brock also. And yes it is true his teacher told me the same thing. I thought it was so funny but I don't think our Brock is liking the fact that someone has his name! Anyways, his teachers told me that he is such a wonderful child to be around, he is so polite and always listens, and he is a true leader. He is very outgoing and will take control of any situation but when there are to many people paying attention to him he will become very shy and try to back away. That's my boy alright!!!
Alyvia is also in daycare and I have to say I am so happy with the teachers she has. There are only 4 babies per room so she gets the attention she needs. Her teachers everyday say she is such a joy and always happy. She never cries and is fascinated by the other babies. She coos at all of them and giggles like crazy. I feel so comfortable with her there but of course I still call all the time to check up on her.
The newest news that we have to share is James and I signed up Brock for soccer!! The national youth sports has a league for a 3 year old to play soccer. His season starts on September 27 and ends November 15. We are so excited because he will meet new friends and also James and I will be able to meet the parents. It will be something for all of us to look forward too for Saturdays. I don't expect him to understand the game or play competitively but for him to just have fun and be around other kids his same age and who knows maybe create a lasting friendship from. So we'll see how much he likes it.
Our new blog
Hi everyone. One of my coworkers sent me a link to his wife's blog. I must be a hermit crab because apparently these things are very popular. I thought I would start my own after reading hers and realizing that this is a perfect way to keep all of our family and friends updated on our lives and more importantly on the kids. LOL We have a lot of family and friends that live out of town so this will be wonderful to let them see how we are all doing and we also have a ton of family that live here in town but unfortunately with all of us having our own families to care to and work we aren't able to see all of you so this will keep everyone up to date. If time allows I am hoping to do this weekly. Love everyone and miss everyone!!!
The Morris Family
The Morris Family
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