Aly's class was much more tamer. Miss Mollie is Alyvia's teacher and always has something so sweet to say about our little girl. Aly is just a very happy and easy going baby. She loves to play with toys and listens intently when Miss Mollie sings a song or reads a book. She is always smiling and babbling. She is getting braver on crawling, she will shuffle her legs about twice before going back on her belly, so anytime now she should crawl. The only thing we need to work on is her appetite for real food. She still doesn't want baby food and is relying solely on her bottle but we have noticed as has her teacher that formula just is not enough anymore.
It was so wonderful being able to hear so much about the kids and what they do during the day, but it still depresses me because they are growing up so fast. Soon Brock will be in Kindergarten and Aly in pre-k! I really just want them to stay the way they are for ever!
Last Tuesday we took the kids to a pumpkin patch and picked out our pumpkins. There was also a lot of different farm animals. We got a bucket of carrots and were able to feed some of the horses. Brock was having a lot of fun but was just a little scared about feeding them. We saw horses, ponies, pigs, a donkey, billy goats, bunnies, and chickens. Aly was in awe over all the animals but especially loved the donkey and even petted him. Brock got to pet the chicken after chasing it for a little while, and the donkey was one of his favorites. The horses were a little to intimidating as they are so huge but the billy goats were just his size. There was also a slide and swing so of course we spent some time there so he could show off how he is such a big kid. Aly just laughed at all the silly things her brother was doing. It was a lot of fun and we got our pumpkins for carving and the kids had a new experience with farm animals.
Nothing else new going on as of now. Just getting ready for the holidays to come. I found some new crock pot recipes so I am excited about trying those out. I loved to cook more in the fall and winter. Not sure why but I know James isn't complaining. :) The weather started to cool off and now its going back up, but as long as we stay below 90 Brock and I are happy because then we can ride bikes and go to the park more. That's become our bonding times!
Yesterday was our three year wedding anniversary so this Friday we are going out to dinner and he is taking me to see Lance Berton at the Monte Carlo so that will be fun. I can't believe we have already been married for three years. Time has really flown by. I look forward to the next 50+ years with him. We hope all is well with everyone. Brock is still in soccer, last weeks game didn't go so well as he was very tired so nap time this Saturday will be earlier so hopefully he won't be to cranky to play.
The Morris Family xoxoxox

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