Alyvia is almost crawling. She loves to go up on her hands and knees and just rock back and forth but cannot seem to comprehend the moving of the legs to get her going. She is still not eating her baby food but we did find some snack cookies that she sucks on and they dissolve in her mouth. I did try making her food to see if she would like to taste better but that was a no go! She is just very content with her bottle! Oh-well she'll get it eventually!
Brock is having the time of his life. He has soccer practice on Wednesdays and his games are on Saturdays. Since the weather has been so nice we have been riding our bike outside more and going to the park in the neighborhood. He had his first soccer game last Saturday the 4th. It was fun to watch but he didn't exactly participate like he does at practice. At this age the game is more aggressive as the kids only want to get to the ball and run like crazy. So there is a lot of pushing and shoving and falling down. Brock got pushed a few times and it didn't sit well with him. He didn't want to play anymore because the kids were being mean according to him. He was confused since at school we practice and preach about being nice to each other and not pushing and then he goes to play soccer and he sees the opposite. We explained to him in the car that sometimes he will get pushed while playing and that while it's not necessarily nice of them it is part of the game and he has to shake it off and just keep going. He said he still wants to play which was great to hear. He just has to learn to be aggressive too! After the game we went to chucky cheese and he had a blast there.
One thing that I am really proud of Brock is how independent he has become. He is always there offering a helping hand to me or James when we are cleaning. He likes to help wash dishes and vacuum and sweep. He does laundry and cleans the bathrooms and picks up toys. Well yesterday I was cleaning as I usually do on Sundays and he came over to me and asked "May I help?" It was so cute that he is always wanting to help us around the house. Well, I asked him to go clean his room and when he was done I might have something else for him to do. He happily ran to his room and did as I asked. I went in to check on him and sure enough his room was clean. I had put a stack of clean clothes on his bed earlier to be put away and he put the clothes in three different piles and put them in their appropriate drawers. He was so excited that he opened all his drawers to show me were everything went and even more shockingly was they were in the right drawers. He then proceeded to show me everything else that he did. He opened his closet to show me that everything was put away and his dirty clothes were in his hamper, then he showed me his toy box where all his toys were put away, and finally he pointed to his bed that was made up perfectly. He was so proud of himself and kept saying "See I'm a big boy mom, I cleaned my room!" It was so adorable. He is growing up which everyday he reminds us about.
Nothing new going on for James and me. Our 3 year wedding anniversary is the 15th so we are looking forward to celebrating that and getting out of the house. We both look forward to our days off because during the week it's just non-stop in our household. We go to work, come home, have soccer practice, then dinner, bath, and finally bed and then the next day we do it all over again! But it is nice to have a routine schedule going on!
The Morris Family

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