Thursday, September 4, 2008


Wow, I cannot believe how fast August has just flown by. It's already September and before we know the holidays will be here. I personally can't wait!!

Well, James' turned 26 last month. It was a nice birthday we went out to dinner with family and then I took him to see a movie which we haven't done in forever. He also got his wish for his birthday and received his new IPhone. I had wanted to surprise him with it so I had mentioned that maybe in the next few weeks we would go see about purchasing one. Well, on his birthday Brock, Alyvia and I walk in the house and Brock was holding daddy's present and the look on James' face was a true look of wonder and surprise. He was so happy, and completely surprised, that he was actually speechless. Brock was all proud of himself and kept saying, "Happy Birthday daddy, do you like my present?" I think we really made this birthday for him memorable.

Our house is coming along great. At the moment we are getting our backyard done. We had a few people gives us bids and finally picked a company to do the back patio and patio cover. Right now the concrete for the patio is done so we are just waiting on the patio cover to be installed. Hopefully next month we have the landscaping done too. We just want rock and some turf (fake grass) put in. I can't wait though for the patio cover because James loves barbecuing and with the weather getting ready to cool down we will be eating outside just about every night!

Mr. Brock is still the same little boy only growing up more. His letter of the week at school is S so he has been learning all about words that start with S. I absolutely love that he is in school because at the end of each week the teachers give us his art folder and we get to place some of them on our fridge. He hasn't mentioned his girlfriend recently and when I bring up her name he becomes all shy but his best friends name is Jerel (have no clue as to the spelling) and Ms. Rachel says they are inseparable. They each breakfast, lunch and snacks together, play on the play ground together, all activities they are side by side and even nap time there cots are next to each other. He talks non stop about him on the way home from school and will basically give me a play by play of his day. I feel so lucky that Brock loves school and has friends. It makes my days at work so much better not having to really worry about him. He is such a bright child. Mom even mentioned to me about a week or so ago about how Brock no longer has the toddler look and is turning into a little (big) boy. Also we have his first soccer meeting this weekend 9-6-08 to find out his practice schedule and then games start on September 27th. I believe that all of Brock's soccer games will be at 8am somewhere in Henderson. I know very early and far so if you would like to join us in cheering him on we would love to see you if not I will be taking lots of pictures. But be sure to remember his games only last 25-30 minutes.

Miss Alyvia is on a roll these days. She now has two bottom teeth and a third that is trying to pop in. Her top gums are swollen and the doctor said he wouldn't be surprised if she had a few top teeth as well before the end of the month. She is also so very close to crawling. When she lays on her tummy she tries to get up on her hands and knees and then just rocks back and forth. Brock and I work with her every night and she's starting to get the hang of it. Alyvia also said her first word two weeks ago. It was "Da Da" James was so excited and just about jumped right out of his shoes. Both the kids said the same word and I practiced and practiced with Alyvia to say "Ma Ma' but nope she had to say da da and now she says it all the time. Brock thought it was so funny so now he is trying to teach her to say his name and brother. I don't know what I'll do then if she says Brock before ma ma, but I honestly won't be to surprised because she absolutely adores him. Now that she sits up on her own her they are closer then ever. They watch cartoons together and play with their toys. He loves to dance for her and make funny faces and noises to get her to laugh. When she gets into a crabby mood all it takes is Brock to coming running for her and she is all smiles. Our mornings before school I think are the best because once she wakes up Brock is on the bed talking to her and they are both laughing. His newest saying to her is "Hi baby girl! How's my baby girl this morning?" And she just smiles and laughs at him and doesn't let him out of her sight.

Also we recently took some family pictures so click on the link below to view those. That was definitely an experience. Alyvia loved the camera and smiled but Brock was another story! He is just a goofball.

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