Thursday, December 4, 2008

Holiday Season has arrived!

The past weeks have really flown by. We ended Brocks soccer season almost three weeks ago. He had a fun season and met some new friends. There was a trophy party that we attended and he was so excited to get his trophy and pictures. The trophy is now sitting on his night stand where he can look at it every night before bed. He was very excited about it but I don't think we will be playing any more sports for a little while. Maybe next fall we'll join a team but in the mean time I think he is enjoying the holiday season and just being at home.

We celebrated Thanksgiving at our house this year. James' mom Laurie came over early in the morning and helped me make the turkey, which I would like to add turned out great!!! His family joined us with Mom, Chad, Nana, and Zarek. I think this was the best Thanksgiving for me. We had all of our family together to enjoy a really nice meal. The kids played around the house while the adults had fun playing cards. Towards the end there was a big family card game of Go Fish that Gina won. It was a blast and its not often that we are all able to be together. Alyvia now loves mashed potatoes that her Auntie was feeding her and Brock's new favorite food is honey glazed ham. I took lots of pictures so I will post the link below.

Now, I cannot believe it is actually December! Where the heck has this year gone? In just a few short months miss Alyvia will be 1. That is just unthinkable to me. And Brock wow he has just grown so much this year. It is still so weird to me to be able to sit down with him and have a long conversation that actually makes sense. He really is his momma boy because boy can he talk. I'm starting to think he actually talks more then I do!!! He is just a riot.

Last Friday (day after Thanksgiving) we put up our tree and decorated the house. Brock was so into putting up everything and everyday reminds us that Santa is coming to his house soon. He helped put all the ornaments onto the tree and stick all our window stickers up on the windows. He loves showing Aly where everything is. The next day we talked Daddy into putting lights outside on the house. Aly sat in the porta crib in the garage while James and Brock sorted through all the lights. Brock was so excited about it that he really couldn't sit still. Aaron, James friend, came over and helped James with some of the lights by putting them in the bushes and trees. Now every night Brock loves to go outside to just look at his house. He is so proud of it and anytime we get visitors he has to personally show his lights off outside. We also have a small fabric tree hanging up in the kitchen. Its one of those count down to Christmas trees so there is 25 slots that we put a piece of candy in and every night he pulls one candy out and he knows that when he gets to the very top that means Santa is coming that night. It's so much more fun celebrating Christmas now that he is older and gets all into it.

The kids are doing great right now. Alyvia is fighting off an ear infection so she has been the most pleasant person to be around but she's getting better. She just wants to be cuddled lately. Brock is as active as ever. He has so much energy and is happy all the time. We are going to be taking the kids to go see Santa soon and then to opportunity village. I can't wait for that it will be Alyvia's first time seeing him, obviously, and Brock's like 4th so he's a pro at this.

James and I are the same old boring couple! LOL Nothing really new with us. Just work and the kids! It's been nice this week as he is on vacation and just sitting at home relaxing with the babies. I'm a little jealous as I have been working some very long hours, but that's OK I really enjoy what I do.

Well, we hope everyone is doing great!!!! Enjoy the holiday season and

Newest pictures
Thanksgiving pictures
Christmas decorating pictures

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