Sunday, December 21, 2008

The accident

So something strange and interesting happened last Monday. Las Vegas saw one of the best snow storms ever!!!! Monday was the first of it but it didn't hit the entire town. So that night I took the kids to my moms house up in Summerlin and Brock and I and Nana played in the snow while Alyvia stayed all toasty inside. On the way home I had to stop and get gas and within 5 minutes of that I had a car accident. I was the only one involved so I am thankful for that but my car is a mess. The kids were perfectly fine. Both shaken up a little but once the initial shock wore off they were over it and Brock was telling everyone how mommies car was doing circles. I have minor injuries like a bruised foot, hand, knee, and the next day my ribs hurt from the seat belt and airbag. So we'll have to see what the insurance says about the car but from what the representative has told James it will more than likely be considered a total loss. Looks like car shopping is in our near future. For now we are just making due with one car and the help of family giving us rides or letting us borrow their cars.

Now for better news Christmas is only days away!!! James and I finally went Christmas shopping yesterday and got everything done in 3 hours!!! We knew exactly what we wanted so that made this years shopping so much easier. We can't wait till Christmas morning and to watch how excited Brock will be and Aly but I think Aly will be more into the wrapping paper then anything else.

Everyone is doing great. Right now my work is doing layoffs and we received a notice that come February my company will be doing a MASS LAYOFF that will infect all office staff. So we are keeping our fingers crossed that I will not be one of them and I will be able to keep my job. James' company is also doing layoffs but no one knows how many and will that will happen. So right now we are just being hopeful and taking it one day at a time.

Kids are perfect, Aly now has 5 teeth and we think we see two more trying to come through also so the poor thing has been very irritable lately and drooling like crazy. She is getting closer every day to walking and has stood for about 5 seconds all by herself until she realized and sat down real fast. It was exciting though!! Brock finally got his wish for snow. He has been begging to go to New York to see Kenzie and play in her snow so we were so happy that is snowed here. He had a blast and we got into a snow ball fight and we built a snowman and made snow angels. It was one of the best days ever!!! It took forever to convince him to come inside.

Well, we hope everyone has a great Christmas!!! Love to all!!

Love always,
The Morris Family.

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