A few minutes before the rodeo started the announcer asked for all kids to head to the entrance gate for a coin round up. These guys walked into the middle of the arena and this lady threw $200 worth of 50 cent pieces into the dirt. At the sound of the gun fire all the kids ran to the middle of the arena and were allowed to grab as much money as the could. What ever they got they kept. Brock made out with 3 coins which he kindly gave his sister one! What a great big brother.
You will notice my next two pictures are of everyone looking to the sky and pointing. Ha they all look so retarded! LOL Anyway the announcer guy told everyone this guy was jumping out of an airplane and would be landing in the center of the arena. He was also supposed to be holding a huge American Flag.
The picture is dark but here is the guy on his way down. He did not land in the arena as planned but he did land in the bleachers that we were all sitting down on. Obviously I didn't get any pictures as most of us were throwing ourselves onto our children to protect them. The guy luckily did not land on anyone but his huge flag and parachute did take out a few people and the sand bag that was holding down the flag smacked a lady in the face. It was a terrifying moment but no serious injuries. Looking back on it we all laugh!
The Parhump High School ROTC all gathered the flag and held it out as the national anthem was sung. I think I love that part the most about rodeos!
After the rodeo we walked over to the carnival and went broke buying tickets for the kids! They of course loved it and only wanted to go on more and more rides. Madison is the little mommy and helped Alyvia across a huge bridge on one of the things they all did together.
Samantha also joined in the fun and took the kids on some spinning thing. Made me dizzy just watching but as you can see Brock is having a blast and Taylon is loving it. I believe Alyvia was terrified which is expected.
The last ride of the night was a worm roller coaster. Brock and Madison sat together and had nothing but huge grins on their faces the entire time.
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