Sunday, September 26, 2010

Open House

I can remember being young and going to open house with my parents, and now its my turn with my own children. It's a very different feeling but I love it! I want to be involved as much as I can with the kids school so this was a great opportunity to see what Brock has learned so far and talk with his teacher.

He was so excited to show us his desk again and everything inside of it. We also met more of his class mates and saw tons of art work on the walls.

The school is a big maze to me but as we walked the halls Brock pointed out all of his classes stuff hanging up.

So far this year the kids have been really working on there alphabet and numbers. They just started learning about their five senses and will be getting to use some neat things like binoculars and microscopes to help learn more in depth. I spoke with his teacher and she said he is a great student just a little bit of a talker, but usually after being told once to be quiet he listens. He is starting to learn sounding out letters and can read and write the following words: one, two, three, four, five, a, the, it, in, cat, dog, and box. I'm sure there are a few more but those are the ones I remember at the moment. His favorite things about school are art, computers, lunch, and recess. He does not like P.E. because the teacher makes them run to the fence and back and also they have to stretch (he's a little lazy!).

We loved meeting his teacher again and getting reacquainted with his school. Its amazing to see the amount progress already made with the kids in few short weeks. I can't wait to see what else he will be learning the rest of the year.

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