Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kindergarten Orientation

It has finally come. My baby boy is about to embark on a new chapter in his life. I'm not sure exactly how time just passed us by but at one point he was this adorable sweet little baby and then next he was a 5 year old little boy starting school. They grow up way to fast.

Kindergarten Orientation was a really exciting event for all of us. All the parents and kids went to the multipurpose room first where we met the Principle and all 4 Kindergarten teachers. It was tad overwhelming hearing them all speak and inform us all the rules of the school. Each passing moment made this event more real to me. I hadn't yet come to terms with Brock actually starting school.

We were then dismissed and told to head on out to our child's classroom. Now, this was the really fun part. Once we made it to Brock's teachers room she gave us a paper and it was basically a scavenger hunt for the kids and parents to get familiarized with the class and school.

First up was to find Brock's desk with his name tag. I think I started to get a little emotional once we saw his name and he actually sat down. I know I'm silly but he is my baby.

The rest of the scavenger hunt I didn't take pictures but we learned about the behavioral chart, met the class pet, saw where his teacher will be hanging artwork, and also read the parent and student rules posted outside her class. We were super busy but it was neat. It has been forever since I have been inside an elementary school.

At the end of the orientation his teacher asked to meet all the families individually so we headed to the front of the class and introduced ourselves. Let me tell you, I really adore his teacher! She was so nice and even asked me how I was coping which of course made me brake and the tears were flowing.

I am truly excited for this year. Brock's teacher seems like an amazing person as she is so involved with them and also the parents. Communication is huge with her so any concerns we have she is big on us making sure we talk to her. I was hoping beyond hope that we would be blessed with a wonderful teacher and we did.

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