Just about every Friday the kids like to end the week with a pizza for dinner and then curl up on the couch with some popcorn and watch a movie. James and I decided we are going to start making our own pizza's instead of endearing the cost of ordering out each week.

I love how we are forming different family traditions and I know as the kids get older they will always remember nights like these. There isn't anything I would rather be doing on weekend nights then spending time with my kids and husband!
The kids loved helping add all the cheese and pepperoni and anxiously waited for it to finish baking. James and I are all excited to experiment with different toppings and next on our list is bacon and pineapple.

After dinner Alyvia and Brock wanted the couch bed pulled out, so while the kids got their pajamas on, James made up their bed for them. Of course you cannot possibly watch a movie without popcorn so they pigged out on that too!
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