Thursday, March 10, 2011

Half way there!

This pregnancy is seriously going extremely fast! I just hit my half way mark on March 7th and it feels like I've only been pregnant for a little while! This little guy is going to be here before we know it!

The past couple months have been great. I do have a sciatic nerve problem that is causing severe back pain but next week I am seeing a chiropractor so hopefully there will be some relief. A couple weeks ago James and I also had another ultrasound but this time it was at my doctors office for my 18th week scan. It was extremely informative and we learned alot about him. At 18 weeks he was measuring 6 inches from head to bottom. The technician also measured every single bone possible and he is growing perfectly. We were able to see his heart and its amazing being able to see all four chambers. She also looked at his head and measured something on the skull, not sure what she was looking at but she was measuring to see if there were any signs of down syndrome. I guess if her measurements were over 6 cm it is an indicator the baby has down syndrome but he measured at 3 cm so all is good in that field. We were both amazed because I for one only thought the doctor would know if the baby had down syndrome from blood tests. It was an experience and I really don't remember Brock and Alyvia's ultrasounds being that in depth.

So far baby boy still does not have a name. We do know his middle name will be Arek after my brother but we have yet to agree on the first name. We are however finally down to two names... Grant and Troy. James likes Troy where as I like Grant. and both kids are in love with the name Troy. Not sure how we will agree but eventually we'll finalize it.

The due date is still July 25th so I'm thinking he will schedule my c-section around the 20th, at least I'm hoping for that date!

18 weeks!

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