Monday, March 14, 2011

Bodies and Titanic .... Date Night! 3/11

James likes to call me his cheap date because I have no problem going to less inexpensive places. For instance on this date night we went to Cici's pizza for dinner which is an all you can eat pizza place for $4.99. Our total dinner was only $12! You really can't beat that price. The down side was we were completely surrounded by at least 30 high school kids but hey I was there for the food!

After dinner we headed over the the Luxor and went to see both the Bodies and Titanic exhibits. If you haven't been to either of these places I would recommend Titanic and James would recommend Bodies. Bodies was extremely interesting but it made me nauseous! James was in love with all the exhibits in this place and probably could have easily spent a few hours in there. There was even an exhibit for fetuses which surprisingly was my favorite which is weird with my being pregnant. I've heard it freaks a lot of expectant mothers out. I will admit that it is absolutely amazing how they can preserve the muscles and veins and break everything down so we can understand the human body better.

After Bodies we went over the Titanic exhibit. I loved walking around and reading about all the voyage and who was on board. Towards the end you walk into a room that is freezing and its all about the ice burg and how cold the water was the night the ship sunk. The ice burg we felt was freezing and then we read that the water even colder then the ice burg and I got chills. Everything about the exhibit was so real and you couldn't help (at least I couldn't) but feel a sense of sadness for all the lives that were lost during the voyage. Before you leave on the wall is a list of all the names of those who lived, workers included and then there is a list of all that perished. We studied the list and found many people with our last name. After all that we headed home to get a good nights sleep since the next morning we were going garage saling! All in all it was a great date night which we needed!

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