These past two years have truly been so much fun. Being able to watch Aly grow and pass different milestones is amazing. I have been very blessed to be able to be at home with her for the majority of this last year. I think I will always think of her as my baby no matter how old she gets. Below are some of my favorite pictures from the last two years.

A little inside on what Alyvia is up to....
- She is completely into books. If the books have pictures then she will sit down where ever she is and just flip through the pages.
- Her vocabulary is just incredible. She can say up 7 word sentences and majority of the time you can understand everything that she says. I think it helps having an older brother to look up to because she is his little parrot.
-If you take her to the park expect to be there for a least a few hours. And when it is time to go be prepared for the tantrum of a life time. If its one thing this little girl can do, its throw tantrums.
-Any thing princess makes her happy. She loves to dress up and be all girly.
- Her brother is still her best friend. Brock and Aly have a love/hate relationship but at the end of the day she will just want to grab a blanket and curl up next to her him. When he is not around its fifty questions on where Brock's at.
-She is most definitely a water baby. Once she gets into the bath tub there's no taking her out. She usually starts to prune and the water will start to turn cold before we can coerce her out. By the time bath time is up I'm just as wet as she is.
-Her favorite cartoon's are Sesame Street, Dora, Mickey Mouse Club House, Handy Manny, and some dinosaur show on PBS. She actually just recently starting watching T.V. but she will only sit still and watch about half of the show that is on.
- She dislikes almost all green vegetables.
- Pizza, cheese, apples, and spaghetti are her favorite foods.
- Tractors and motorcycles top her list for favorite toys to play with.
- She loves to cuddle and just sit in your lap when she isn't so hyper and she recently learned how to say "I love you".
- When she is upset or mad or hurt everyone within a block can probably hear her yell. That child was blessed with a healthy set of lungs and she most definitely knows how to use them.
I am so excited to see what this next year brings for us with her. There is still so much that she is learning how to do and I can't wait to be around to watch her grown.
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