Saturday, February 6, 2010

The things we do for our pets

One thing I love about James is that he is Mr. fix it. There really isn't a thing that man can't do! We recently had to find a new home for our dog Canon due to how he was with the kids. Its a long story but needless to say I found him a great home which he is doing very well and super happy. The kids were devastated but I don't think it was because we got rid of specifically our dog but because they didn't have a dog anymore. James mom had two basset and really anyone who has ever owned a basset knows that they are really a one dog household pet. So we adopted miss Daisy into our home and she won the kids and James and I over. Anyways she is a great dog and the perfect one for us. So because she was so well trained she doesn't need to be crate trained which meant we needed to get a dog door for her. The way our kitchen is set up with our sliding glass door to the backyard we had to invest in getting a sliding glass dog door and not one that you put into the wall. Those things are ridiculously expensive but I found one on craigslist! I love that website and we were so excited to find one for $30 when they are priced new for $190 and up. Now I thought it was a one size fits all so I assumed this would be a very quick and easy project for James. Well, I assumed wrong. This thing was a nightmare to put in. James ended up having to fix it to be the right size because it was a few inches to tall and then getting the door off to put the dog one is was a pain. What we both thought would take maybe 10 to 15 minutes took over an hour. But in the end it all worked out and Daisy was so excited to be able to go outside when ever she please.

Just so everyone knows all the credit for this little project goes to James. All I did was find the thing on craigslist and he did everything else and I sat back and watched. Again I am so happy I married him, especially for his knack of fixing things because I really don't know a lot of people who would have known what to do! Thanks James!!!

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