Monday, February 8, 2010

I have the best wife

I love when you get something new and a little pricey you always say your spouse is the best! Well, this past weekend James and I went shopping for a new T.V. because our old had stopped working. Now spending money on a new tv was definitely not something I had foreseen us doing, so it was a little hard to take in the cost that we were looking at. When all was said in done we did get a fabulous tv with a wall mount and a few shelves at R.C. Willeys. James has been telling me a lot now that he has the best wife in the world LOL. I did feel like I was having heart palpitations towards the end of the sale but when I took a step back and looked at the big picture I saw just how happy James was and how hard he works to provide for our family so in the end I was completely ok with how things turned out.

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