Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tomboy extreme!

Alyvia is such an amazing little girl but growing up with an older brother and tons of friends in the neighborhood who are boys have turned my sweet little girl into a attitude tomboy. What ever the boys do Aly is right there with them. She gets just as dirty as them if not dirtier and loves it. The other day though just topped of our list of things she does that makes her a tomboy.

We have been potty training a lot lately and Aly has done remarkably well. She usually walks around in her panties at night and its so cute. The other night though she came downstairs giggling. When I looked up from cleaning the dishes I notice she is wearing her brothers boxers. Upon further inspection she informed be she is wearing Brock's underwear and no more panties!!! I couldn't help but laugh because it is so cute how she looks up to her brother but she refused to take them off and wore them the rest of the night.
Here are the picks right before bed time of when I had to bribe her to get a diaper on under the boxers.

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