Sunday, April 17, 2011

First Water fun of the season 4-17-11

It definitely doesn't take long to get from freezing cold to burning hot in Las Vegas. It's finally hot enough outside where we can head out to the water parks in town! We've already had a few "hot" days but this day was our first water outing. My children are in LOVE with the water. They were cooled off instantly and were running around like crazy people! Being silly sitting on some of the water spouts waiting for them to come on. I love how they are always together. (I'm enjoying these days lord knows it doesn't last forever!)
She was so excited to wear her bathing suit finally, she wears it in the house randomly but to be able to finally wear it outside was the best thing ever for her or so she told me!
After running around and playing for a good hour and a half she decided enough was enough and found a spot next to her friend Talon to relax. The sun was making us all tired.
Except for Brock I think he could have easily played for a few more hours. Mr. Personality here!
After the water fun we headed over to get some yummy frozen yogurt. That definitely lifted all our tired spirits. It was a nice ending to a fun filled day!

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