Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kindergarten Spring Program 4-15-11

Brock's teacher decided that this year she was going to have a spring program instead of an end of the year program because she was leaving the first of May for maternity leave. She is such a devoted teacher and really wanted to be a part of this which I thought was so nice. She absolutely loves her job and it truly shows. The kids all have been practicing for a few weeks now and the cute part about this was it was all supposed to be a secret. Now, Brock knows how to keep a secret and wouldn't even give us a hint as to what the program/performance was about.

Some of our extended family were able to make the performance which Brock loved. I know he enjoys having people be there for him and it means so much to James and I to have the support.

Kaylee and Alyvia were so cute waiting for Brock to come out with his class. These two were so well behaved and loved watching him.
His teacher asked that all the kids dress in their Sunday best for this day so Brock and dad of course got all excited and went shopping for a new outfit. Isn't he so handsome?

He looks so cute with all his friends, and it was hilarious to see some them get embarrassed! The entire program was just singing. I think they sang around 7 or 8 songs.

One of the last songs they all sang was an alphabet song and every student had their own solo. Towards the end of the song is when they all had their solo, some of them went like this, "A your adorable, B your so beautiful.... F you are a feather in my arms, G you look good to me, H your so heavenly..."

Then it was Brocks turn and he sang, "I you're the one that I idolize." Some of the kids kind of shouted their part but Brock actually sang it and as soon as he was done he looked right over at us with a big smile! I think I cried most of the performance.

Once the singing was all done his teacher made a speech and then announced that she had a present for all the parents from the kids. The present was a binder with pictures of your student through out the year at some of their special events like the first day of school, Thanksgiving feast, Christmas breakfast, and their Valentines party.

His school doesn't do a graduation for the kindergartners which I'm not sure if that's the schools choice or a district thing so this program was kind of in lieu of that. Also announced right at the end was that everyone in the class had passed and would be attending 1st grade in August!

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