The beginning of the season Brock's coach announced that after each game he was going to hand out the game ball to one player. I think that was a neat incentive for all the kids because most of them are actually trying their best now and paying more attention. Brock has been asking when he would get the game ball and we always tell him play your best and I'm sure the coach will give it to you soon. He has even been practicing at home more so he can prove to his coach he deserves it.
Finally, a few Saturdays ago Brock played the best game he has ever played. He even caught the ball in the air TWICE! That is a huge accomplishment! I think my voice was gone by the end of the game I yelled so loud.
After the game the team lines up and signs the game ball and the coach then gives it to the player that he believes played the best (every player gets a game ball no matter what!) These four usually are always hanging out together waiting. 
After what seemed like forever coach announced Brock was the player of the game! He was all smiles and both James and I got a little choked up. We were beyond proud of him. 
He must have played a hard game because they both fell asleep on the way home and took a good hour and a half nap!
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