Monday, November 22, 2010

Baby #3

James and I are happy to announce that we are expecting our third child! This may have came as a huge surprise to some but we are absolutely ecstatic. My expected due date is July 28, 2011 but as with both kids before that may change once I have an ultra sound in a few months. Brock is really excited and completely understands whats going to happen. He is hoping we are having another boy as in his words, "If you have another girl mom I will go crazy!" LOL Alyvia on the other hand doesn't really know whats happening and when I explain I have a baby growing in my tummy she wants to see it. She may not know or understand whats happening but she sure has an opinion, she wants a baby sister!

We are both really happy about this new addition and can't wait for the months to come!

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