Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween Party

On Saturday night my sister in law Shelby hosted a Halloween Party. Some of her friends came over along with all their children. Brock and Alyvia thought it was great because they got to wear their costumes a day early.

Before all the guests showed up we all got dressed up and had a huge laugh. I personally think my mom's costume was the best. The day before the party we went to Walmart to buy her costume. Seeming how she was a last minute shopper her selection was minimal. I bought a child's costume for myself in Large so I knew that size would fit my mom which was lucky because there was basically no adult costumes. I finally convinced her to buy the one I chose. What do you think? I love it! Oh and lets not forget Chad. :)

James and I kept our costume a secret which I was proud of. If you knew the woman in my family then you would know we can't keep a secret worth anything. LOL We kept ours themed with the kids which surprised some and I think my brother was the only one who really guessed it. I think we looked great!

Beyond the costumes the kids got to go bobbing for apples. That was definitely a winner for them and Shelby was the lucky one to show them how it was done. She was partially dunked which was great! All the kids did wonderful and Brock was the only one who looked like he was swimming in the bucket. That child had literally his whole body in there! Oh and I almost forgot about my mom! We convinced her to bob for apples and as her face was like a inch from the water I dunked her and I dunked her good! Her face and hair and partial shoulders were soaked. It was great and I laughed so hard. It was all in good fun. I love you mom!

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