Thursday, November 11, 2010

Trick o Treat

Halloween is a such a fun holiday for the kids. This year Brock and Alyvia were super excited because they were going to trick or treat with there cousins. I think they asked just about everyday since October 1 how much long it was till our trip. Once we finally got down to Arizona the kids couldn't wait to dress up.
When Halloween finally came around those four were so excited. All Alyvia could talk about was getting candy. We headed out and James and I took turns carrying Alyvia (she was cold and a little nervous around all the othere people trick or treating too). Brock I almost needed a leash to control because once he got his candy from one house there was no waiting for the rest of us he was off to the next house. Brock was dressed as a ninja, Kenzie was a fairy kitty, Titan was Thomas the train, and Alyvia was also a ninja but had to have whiskers like kenzie so she ended up being a ninja kitty.

We walked around for a good hour and a half and by the end of the night all of us were exhausted and cold. The kids each filled up their pumpkin baskets and then some. Once we got back to the house all four dumped out their candy to inspect with the parents. I think it took a matter of 10 minutes for Kenz to pass out and another few for the other three.

I know I had an absolute blast and I loved being with my niece and nephew and my babies.

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