Sunday, November 7, 2010

Tombstone Arizona

For Halloween this year our family along with my Mom and Chad headed to Arizona to spend the weekend with my brother and his family. One of the things we did was drive up to Tombstone for a fun filled afternoon!

Tombstone, Arizona is a very small town that is famous for its western gunfights and Doc Holiday. They had huge horse drawn carriages that Alyvia was in love and people walking around dressed from the 1800's. We walked around all the shops and spent some time drooling over things we wished we could buy and then had a yummy lunch. After that there was a small miniature golf course that was deserted so we let the kids run around and we got a glimpse of some actors practicing for their next gun fight show.

Next time we head to Arizona I want to go back there and go on some of their tours. Having 9 adults and 4 kids is a little much to really visit everything so next time I want to make sure we take advantage of what the town offers. One of the things I can't wait to do is take a bus tour that goes around to the cemetery that still host family's from the 1880's.

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