Sunday, December 5, 2010


These days I have absolutely no motivation to do anything, I'm surprised I'm finally blogging about Thanksgiving. This years Thanksgiving was spent at my Grandma and Grandpas house with just some close family. I actually enjoyed how small our get together was. Almost every year there are usually over 25 people at the house but this year I think we topped out at 15.

Grandma decorated the table so beautifully (I didn't remember to take a picture) and made most of the main dishes. The kids had their own table but like I expected didn't really sit still long enough to eat their meal. The adults had a wonderful time sitting around eating all the fabulous food and just socializing. I personally love Thanksgiving for all the food. LOL

Every Thanksgiving I like to take a moment to remember what I'm thankful for. This year Brock and his class got to learn about the holiday and write down what they are thankful for. He told me he wrote he was thankful for his family. Now me being pregnant makes me over emotional so when he told me this I started crying. I love that little boy! So here's my list of what I'm thankful for...

  • I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband. He is everything to me and I don't know what I would do with out him. He is the one person I can tell absolutely anything to and is always there for me. I'm so thankful James is my best friend, husband, and father of my children, I couldn't have asked for a better man in my life.

  • I'm so thankful for my children. Brock and Alyvia are my life. I'm so blessed to finally be a stay at home mom. Those two just love life and are always laughing, running around, acting like crazy kids. They know just when to give me a hug and kiss and say I love you. I'm just so blessed to be a mom!

  • I'm thankful for all my family and friends. Just knowing that I have so many family and friends that are there for me makes any day better.

  • I'm thankful for all the men and woman that are out there fighting for our country. Military families will always have a special place in my heart knowing what they sacrifice so the rest of us can have our freedom.

  • I'm thankful that James has a job. His work pays for our bills, puts a roof over our heads, and food on the table.

I have a ton more but I don't want to bore anyone. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

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