Wednesday, December 22, 2010

First Christmas tree

I am so proud to announce that my Mom and Chad have a Christmas Tree for the first time in almost 5 years (I think). Every year they have some excuse to not put one up but this year they had to give in because Aly would ask where their tree was every time we visited. We took the kids with us to help them pick out their perfect tree while it was raining! Luckily we had our truck so it was easy to deliver it to their house. James helped put the stand on the tree and he agreed that next year we will be buying a real one too! They smell so good!
Do to the fact that it was raining my brilliant mom brought down her blow dryer to help dry the tree. Hmmm, some times I wonder about her!
Aly and Nana loved digging through the ornament box getting everything together.
One year I bought tinsel and used about half of it before realizing how much of a mess it made. So since I had a lot left over that we will never use, we kindly brought it over to my moms where Alyvia proceeded to take it all out!
Brock didn't participate in the decorating (he was watching a movie) but Alyvia, Nana, Mom, and James all had fun decorating. Even Chad helped by putting the star on top. I took pictures and made sure all the ornaments had hooks.
Alyvia made sure that everyone was using the tinsel she took out! Look at the tree sparkle!
The end result was so pretty and the smell of a real tree is just so refreshing, especially one that was out in the rain! It was so much fun spending time with the parents helping them get into the Christmas spirit (thanks Aly for making nay-nay feel guilty!).

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