Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Town Square Santa

James and I are so proud of ourselves this year for actually taking the kids to see Santa early. Every year we seem to procrastinate and last year stood in line for almost 3 hours on Christmas Eve so they could sit on Santa's lap. This year we went early and waited in line for a whopping 5 minutes!! I was so excited and the kids weren't cranky one little bit.

Before we headed out to visit Santa I had to go shopping to get the kids their Christmas outfits. I'm one of those moms who like my kids to dress up and look extra nice for pictures with Santa. I have to say Aly and Brock looked so wonderful that we actually got compliments!

Alyvia has never had a fear of Santa and Brock only did one year. When Alyvia was close enough to see Santa she started giggling and pointing to him. I literally had to keep a hold on her arm otherwise she would have ran right to him. Brock just stood patiently waiting his turn with a huge grin on his face. Once it was their turn they both walked up and Aly sat with Mrs. Claus and Brock sat on Santa's lap. After the picture they each told them what they wanted and both James and I got choked up. Our kids are growing up so fast!

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