Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Day 2009

Ok so better late then never is so beginning to be my new saying! LOL So this year Christmas was better then ever! The best thing about this year was Alyvia was finally old enough to get excited about presents. Last year we started a tradition where my Mom and Chad and Jame's Mom all come over early in the morning and we sit around watching the kids open presents then we make breakfast all the while drinking our coffee with Bailey's. This year we were able to carry on that tradition along with James' Dad and brother coming over also. It was so wonderful to be with family on Christmas morning! Everyone started showing up around 7:30-8:00am and then we brought the kids down stairs and let them have at it. Surprisingly it only took then a little under an hour to get everything opened. Alyvia was so cute because she would take her time opening the presents and through her wrapping paper in the trash and then get excited over what it was. Brock was our typical little boy who just ripped into them. Haha the older they get the more fun this day becomes!

After breakfast everyone left but my mom and Chad. We all just sat around and hung out for a few hours before we had to go to Grandma and Grandpa Messner's house. Once we got there the kids had even more presents to open. It was fun watching our two kids play with there cousin Kaylee. We only stayed for a couple hours but had a blast. The three rugrats ran around like crazy kids with sugar highs!!

To finish off our night we ended up at my uncles house for Christmas dinner and more presents for the kids. I think this year the kids were just a tad bit spoiled :). The best part about dinner this year is we were able to spend the evening with my Grandma and Papa who flew in from Colorado. I was a fantastic night of eating, present openings, and lots and lots of laughter.

We couldn't have visualized a better Christmas and we were so blessed this year to be around most of our family. Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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