Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lee Canyon 1-16-10

Every winter we try to make it the mountains at least once so the kids can go sledding. Well this year we actually went twice. LOL On Wednesday James and I took the kids up the mountains to enjoy a nice day of sledding. Well that nice day turned into a nightmare. About half way up the mountain it started to snow. Mind you I did check the weather before we left and it said a chance of rain in the late afternoon early evening. Now 1pm is not late afternoon and it was snowing. We ended up on the Mount Charleston side of the mountain and realized there was no where to sled, so we stopped at the lodge for a snack and some hot cocoa. (That place is ridiculously over priced) By the time we finished it was starting to snow harder. We were heading back down to try to find a small spot to stop so the kids could play but there was nothing. Then we found the sign that said "This way to snow play area". It was the road that took you around the mountain to the Lee Canyon side. We weren't sure if we should but we did promise the kids they could play in the snow. Mind you it is still snowing. So James is driving of course and I am extremely nervous seeming how we are 8000 ft on the side of the mountains while its snowing. He says don't worry. All of a sudden the sky clears and it stops snowing. I can catch my breath again. As fast as it stopped it started again only ten times worse. We couldn't make out the road and could barely see the front of the car. I panicked and I think I was on the verge of a nervous break down. James finally couldn't endure the drive not knowing where the heck we were going and decided for our safety to turn around. We finally made it down the mountain and I decided then and their that I am not sure anymore about moving anywhere that it snows. I was terrified! I hope this is a fear the I will some day overcome but I was in an accident last year when it snowed so I'm sure the fear has something to do with that.

Luckily the weather forecast said the the weekend would be clear so we headed back up on Saturday with the neighbors. It was a lot of fun, not a whole lot of powder but enough that the kids spent an hour and half going up and down hills. We did have a scary moment when Brock didn't pay attention and went down the hill on which Aly was sitting directly in his path. Luckily James and Sherry(neighbor) reacted in time to stop a potentially dangerous situation. The drive was gorgeous though and we all had a great time. I was excited to see Alyvia enjoying the snow as much as all the boys did. She tried to trow snow balls and eat it even went down the sled a few times. Brock had a blast and it was nice he had his friends there to play with. The grown ups of course joined in the fun too and even threw a few snow balls at each other.
Next year I'm thinking we will try snow boarding with Brock while Alyvia either stays with naynay or plays in the snow. The bigger these two get the more things we are enjoying.

On our way to the mountains on Wednesday
Starting to snow!
Snow coming down harder
At the lodge it was snowing and raining
Our second trip to the mountains... beautiful!
Talon and Alyvia
Everyone getting ready to play

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