Sunday, January 31, 2010

Roller skating

Brock has been itching to learn how to roller skate. So for Christmas one of his presents was a new pair of roller skates from mommy and daddy. The best part about him getting a pair was that Aunt Sarah and Uncle Scott got Alyvia a pair for Christmas too. One thing we have always said about our little girl is that she is advanced beyond her years because of her big brother. If he can do something I guarantee she will try her hardest to do it also.

So a few days ago Brock really wanted to try his new skates out. So I went and got his and Aly's skates out and we went out to the back yard to try them out!

Alyvia's skates are perfect for her because it has stages so right now it's on stage 1 meaning all the wheels are locked up and she just walks with them, Brock after a few tries started to get the hang of it and really enjoys it. We did manage to go out to the front and don't worry they both had on all the protective gear (helmets, knee and elbow pads), but unfortunately my camera's battery decided to die right after the above pictures were taken.
So thank you again to Aunt Sarah and Uncle Scott for Alyvia's skates it made this experience that much more fun having both of them on skates! Now James and I need to go out and buy some skates so we can go out with them too.

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