Sunday, January 17, 2010

Road Trip To AZ!

Last week my mom and I decided to head out to Arizona to visit with my brother and his family for the weekend. It's so nice that they only live 8 hours away and we will be able to visit with them often instead of them living back in New York. This road trip turned into a nice adventure for us! I think my favorite part about it was just being with my mom and kids. It takes me back to when I was little and I so missed having those mother daughter moments. We left on a Friday late afternoon and headed out towards Laughlin. There was no way we were going to go to the damn because it was rush hour traffic and weekend traffic. My mom drove most of the way but let me tell you, I don't think I will drive that way again at night. Talk about curvy roads, all one lanes, bright lights coming toward you, yea I was definitely a little nervous. Anyways we also thought we should be smart and follow the nice gps system that her car has. Little did we know that stupid thing would make us drive about 60 miles out of the way. It was fun though and mom and I talked the entire drive. The kids did fabulous which I was super surprised about.

We finally made it to my brothers house about 3am. The kids got a little wound up seeing their aunt and uncle and cousins but we finally got everyone in bed about 4am. I was convinced the kids would sleep in but nope Alyvia was up by 7:30am. I was so tired!! We played in the living room for a half hour and then my niece and nephew woke up! Brock being the only smart one slept in till last possible moment.

For only being there for a day and a half we had a blast. Saturday we went to their aquatic park which is indoors and the kids had a blast playing in the water and going down the slides. Then we had a great dinner at Applebees. Sunday was a short day but my sister in law took us on a drive through the base. We went into a small museum about the history of the base, then headed to a park for the kids to burn some energy. Afterwards we headed to their military shopping store (can't remember what its called) and the kids all got a new pair of shoes. Aly and Kenzie had matching pink shoes and the boys got matching black shoes. We then headed home so the kids could play outside while we waited on the pizza guy to deliver our lunch/dinner.

The drive home Alyvia slept for the entire time, and Brock watched movies and played his leapster. It was a nice little mini vacation and the kids all had a blast. James and I are hoping to head down there again in March.

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