Aly and Nana loved digging through the ornament box getting everything together.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
First Christmas tree
I am so proud to announce that my Mom and Chad have a Christmas Tree for the first time in almost 5 years (I think). Every year they have some excuse to not put one up but this year they had to give in because Aly would ask where their tree was every time we visited. We took the kids with us to help them pick out their perfect tree while it was raining! Luckily we had our truck so it was easy to deliver it to their house. James helped put the stand on the tree and he agreed that next year we will be buying a real one too! They smell so good!
Do to the fact that it was raining my brilliant mom brought down her blow dryer to help dry the tree. Hmmm, some times I wonder about her!

One year I bought tinsel and used about half of it before realizing how much of a mess it made. So since I had a lot left over that we will never use, we kindly brought it over to my moms where Alyvia proceeded to take it all out!
Brock didn't participate in the decorating (he was watching a movie) but Alyvia, Nana, Mom, and James all had fun decorating. Even Chad helped by putting the star on top. I took pictures and made sure all the ornaments had hooks.
Brocks last day of school
For the last day of school before winter break Brock's teacher hosted a pancake breakfast and invited all the parents to join. James and I are always involved with his class but this time Alyvia was invited also. She was so excited to be able to see Brock and all his friends. The kids got to enjoy a huge breakfast that had every ones favorite pancakes and sausage.

I am always amazed at how well behaved all these kindergarten kids are. I really admire Brock's teacher she is such a great teacher.

Alyvia wanted to have her breakfast to so she smooched off her brother. Lucky for her he was in a giving mood! LOL He even shared his sausage with her.

The best part about this breakfast was Santa came to visit their class as a surprise to the kids. What a sight that was all the kids started yelling and clapping and everyone was just so excited. It was so neat to see all these kids get so excited.

Alyvia got to sit with Santa also. She was supposed to sit with Brock on him but unfortunately her and I had a misunderstanding and she was crying when it was Brock's turn. Once she calmed down Santa got her attention and she climbed on his lap and cried a little on his shoulder but he calmed her down enough to get a picture and then blew her a big kiss. He was such a sweet Santa!

At the end of everything we got a class picture and all the kids ran outside for some recess time. It was such a great morning! As we were leaving Brock's teacher gave us presents for him to open (which he opened early of course) and a plate of cookies for us. The first semester of school was so wonderful and I really can't wait to see how the second semester turns out.
I am always amazed at how well behaved all these kindergarten kids are. I really admire Brock's teacher she is such a great teacher.
Alyvia wanted to have her breakfast to so she smooched off her brother. Lucky for her he was in a giving mood! LOL He even shared his sausage with her.
The best part about this breakfast was Santa came to visit their class as a surprise to the kids. What a sight that was all the kids started yelling and clapping and everyone was just so excited. It was so neat to see all these kids get so excited.
Alyvia got to sit with Santa also. She was supposed to sit with Brock on him but unfortunately her and I had a misunderstanding and she was crying when it was Brock's turn. Once she calmed down Santa got her attention and she climbed on his lap and cried a little on his shoulder but he calmed her down enough to get a picture and then blew her a big kiss. He was such a sweet Santa!
At the end of everything we got a class picture and all the kids ran outside for some recess time. It was such a great morning! As we were leaving Brock's teacher gave us presents for him to open (which he opened early of course) and a plate of cookies for us. The first semester of school was so wonderful and I really can't wait to see how the second semester turns out.
Town Square Santa
James and I are so proud of ourselves this year for actually taking the kids to see Santa early. Every year we seem to procrastinate and last year stood in line for almost 3 hours on Christmas Eve so they could sit on Santa's lap. This year we went early and waited in line for a whopping 5 minutes!! I was so excited and the kids weren't cranky one little bit.
Before we headed out to visit Santa I had to go shopping to get the kids their Christmas outfits. I'm one of those moms who like my kids to dress up and look extra nice for pictures with Santa. I have to say Aly and Brock looked so wonderful that we actually got compliments!

Alyvia has never had a fear of Santa and Brock only did one year. When Alyvia was close enough to see Santa she started giggling and pointing to him. I literally had to keep a hold on her arm otherwise she would have ran right to him. Brock just stood patiently waiting his turn with a huge grin on his face. Once it was their turn they both walked up and Aly sat with Mrs. Claus and Brock sat on Santa's lap. After the picture they each told them what they wanted and both James and I got choked up. Our kids are growing up so fast!
Before we headed out to visit Santa I had to go shopping to get the kids their Christmas outfits. I'm one of those moms who like my kids to dress up and look extra nice for pictures with Santa. I have to say Aly and Brock looked so wonderful that we actually got compliments!
Alyvia has never had a fear of Santa and Brock only did one year. When Alyvia was close enough to see Santa she started giggling and pointing to him. I literally had to keep a hold on her arm otherwise she would have ran right to him. Brock just stood patiently waiting his turn with a huge grin on his face. Once it was their turn they both walked up and Aly sat with Mrs. Claus and Brock sat on Santa's lap. After the picture they each told them what they wanted and both James and I got choked up. Our kids are growing up so fast!

Sunday, December 5, 2010
These days I have absolutely no motivation to do anything, I'm surprised I'm finally blogging about Thanksgiving. This years Thanksgiving was spent at my Grandma and Grandpas house with just some close family. I actually enjoyed how small our get together was. Almost every year there are usually over 25 people at the house but this year I think we topped out at 15.
Grandma decorated the table so beautifully (I didn't remember to take a picture) and made most of the main dishes. The kids had their own table but like I expected didn't really sit still long enough to eat their meal. The adults had a wonderful time sitting around eating all the fabulous food and just socializing. I personally love Thanksgiving for all the food. LOL
Every Thanksgiving I like to take a moment to remember what I'm thankful for. This year Brock and his class got to learn about the holiday and write down what they are thankful for. He told me he wrote he was thankful for his family. Now me being pregnant makes me over emotional so when he told me this I started crying. I love that little boy! So here's my list of what I'm thankful for...
Grandma decorated the table so beautifully (I didn't remember to take a picture) and made most of the main dishes. The kids had their own table but like I expected didn't really sit still long enough to eat their meal. The adults had a wonderful time sitting around eating all the fabulous food and just socializing. I personally love Thanksgiving for all the food. LOL
Every Thanksgiving I like to take a moment to remember what I'm thankful for. This year Brock and his class got to learn about the holiday and write down what they are thankful for. He told me he wrote he was thankful for his family. Now me being pregnant makes me over emotional so when he told me this I started crying. I love that little boy! So here's my list of what I'm thankful for...
- I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband. He is everything to me and I don't know what I would do with out him. He is the one person I can tell absolutely anything to and is always there for me. I'm so thankful James is my best friend, husband, and father of my children, I couldn't have asked for a better man in my life.
- I'm so thankful for my children. Brock and Alyvia are my life. I'm so blessed to finally be a stay at home mom. Those two just love life and are always laughing, running around, acting like crazy kids. They know just when to give me a hug and kiss and say I love you. I'm just so blessed to be a mom!
- I'm thankful for all my family and friends. Just knowing that I have so many family and friends that are there for me makes any day better.
- I'm thankful for all the men and woman that are out there fighting for our country. Military families will always have a special place in my heart knowing what they sacrifice so the rest of us can have our freedom.
- I'm thankful that James has a job. His work pays for our bills, puts a roof over our heads, and food on the table.
I have a ton more but I don't want to bore anyone. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Baby #3
James and I are happy to announce that we are expecting our third child! This may have came as a huge surprise to some but we are absolutely ecstatic. My expected due date is July 28, 2011 but as with both kids before that may change once I have an ultra sound in a few months. Brock is really excited and completely understands whats going to happen. He is hoping we are having another boy as in his words, "If you have another girl mom I will go crazy!" LOL Alyvia on the other hand doesn't really know whats happening and when I explain I have a baby growing in my tummy she wants to see it. She may not know or understand whats happening but she sure has an opinion, she wants a baby sister!
We are both really happy about this new addition and can't wait for the months to come!

We are both really happy about this new addition and can't wait for the months to come!

Happy Birthday Laurie and Dom
Last weekend we celebrated James' mom (Laurie) and his nephews (Dom) birthdays. Laurie and I made a huge breakfast for everyone which turned out delicious. Their birthdays are the 14th and 15th so we combined them together with everyone and just enjoyed a great morning with all the family.
After breakfast we sang Happy Birthday and finally got to eat cupcakes! I have the worlds biggest sweet tooth so whenever I see something with chocolate I am a happy person. It was overall a nice morning and any reason to get the family together is a good day!
Happy Birthday Laurie and Dom!
Aviation Nation
James and I took the kids to this years Aviation Nation (airshow). We haven't been to one in a few years so I think it was easy to say we were all excited.
As soon as you get off the buses on the Air force Base the first thing you see is this huge plane that you get to walk through. Brock and Alyvia were in awe over this thing. In case you haven't realized I have no clue what the names are of the planes. To me they're just big or fast!

James had probably more fun then the kids did I think. LOL
One of the planes that the kids thought were neat. I'm sure it has a special name but I haven't a clue. Aly kept saying she wants to fly one. Who knows maybe we have a future pilot in out family.

I couldn't resist this picture. Both the kids were beyond fascinated with the porta potties because it had hand sanitizer in them. So if anyone had to use the restroom both kids had to go in for their hand sanitizer.
One of those rare moments that Aly take a cute picture. I love her face in this one!

We made a stop at the coast guards helicopter and this guy let the kids climb in the basket and he actually sat down with them and explained what they do. Brock asked a million questions and thankfully the guy was super nice and answered all of them.

It was overall a great day. The event was free except for food and the weather was so nice. I enjoyed spending some quality time with our kids and then ending with a barbecue with all our friends.
As soon as you get off the buses on the Air force Base the first thing you see is this huge plane that you get to walk through. Brock and Alyvia were in awe over this thing. In case you haven't realized I have no clue what the names are of the planes. To me they're just big or fast!
There were several men (or woman) that jumped out of the planes. Brock kept saying they were going to fall and get super hurt but thankfully they all landed safely.
We made a stop at the coast guards helicopter and this guy let the kids climb in the basket and he actually sat down with them and explained what they do. Brock asked a million questions and thankfully the guy was super nice and answered all of them.
Finally the much anticipated thunderbirds. Alyvia has to much energy to pay attention to one thing for a long period of time but she was loving these planes.
It was overall a great day. The event was free except for food and the weather was so nice. I enjoyed spending some quality time with our kids and then ending with a barbecue with all our friends.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Family Pictures
While in Arizona my wonderful Sister in Law took some family pictures for us. They turned out great and I love that these photos are outside and have a lake and hill as the background and not the normal solid color cloth drop. Here are some of my favorites!
My wonderful family :)

My wonderful family :)

Thank you so much Shelby for taking these!
Trick o Treat
Halloween is a such a fun holiday for the kids. This year Brock and Alyvia were super excited because they were going to trick or treat with there cousins. I think they asked just about everyday since October 1 how much long it was till our trip. Once we finally got down to Arizona the kids couldn't wait to dress up.
When Halloween finally came around those four were so excited. All Alyvia could talk about was getting candy. We headed out and James and I took turns carrying Alyvia (she was cold and a little nervous around all the othere people trick or treating too). Brock I almost needed a leash to control because once he got his candy from one house there was no waiting for the rest of us he was off to the next house. Brock was dressed as a ninja, Kenzie was a fairy kitty, Titan was Thomas the train, and Alyvia was also a ninja but had to have whiskers like kenzie so she ended up being a ninja kitty.
We walked around for a good hour and a half and by the end of the night all of us were exhausted and cold. The kids each filled up their pumpkin baskets and then some. Once we got back to the house all four dumped out their candy to inspect with the parents. I think it took a matter of 10 minutes for Kenz to pass out and another few for the other three.
I know I had an absolute blast and I loved being with my niece and nephew and my babies.
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