Monday, August 24, 2009

Part II of Vacation

So part II of our vacation was that on Saturday the 15th we decided to head back to Carlsbad and take the kids to the Sea Life Aquarium. They both are such animal lovers and from the reviews I read, it sounded like a lot of fun. They kicker was that my mom and Chad were going to be there to surprise the kids. They decided they also needed a quick out of Las Vegas mini vacation and followed us up there late Friday night. Brock understood we were going to the aquarium and of course had a list of things he just had to see. Alyvia really doesn't care what we do as long as she gets to run around. So James and I are telling them all about what to expect and then all of a sudden we point out some "strangers" and it took only seconds and both kids were running shouting "Nay-Nay!" "Papa!".

We had a lot of fun seeing all the different types of fish. Brock's favorite of course were the sharks and he really liked the sting rays. Alyvia went around calling everything "puppies" and would get super excited about being able to touch the glass and get a little bit closer. I know the things that seem to amuse kids.

Afterwards it was lunch time so we headed towards the beach to find somewhere to eat. We ended up eating at this really good Mexican restaurant and then afterwards headed to the water. This was going to be Alyvia's first time at the ocean and Brock's second. As we were walking down the stairs I saw a squirrel hiding in some rocks which to me was a little random but apparently there are a lot of squirrels at the beach. So anyways, Brock headed right for the water with James right behind him. Those two were so excited and James took Brock pretty far out. Now Alyvia is more like her mother; she did not like it at all. My mom took her in just to about her knees with alyvia hanging on for dear life in her arms. Every time a wave would hit my mom Aly would say "All done!" because she just wanted to be back on dry land. It was so sad but funny too. James tried to take her out with him but she would just keep her head on his shoulder and say the same thing too once a wave hit.

I think we were only at the beach for maybe a little over an hour. Alyvia went back with my mom and James to sit on the towels and play in the sand while they sun bathed. That she loved! Brock being mister sociable ended up befriending another little boy and his grandmother and played with him making sand castles. Chad stayed with Brock while I alternated running back and forth between the kids taking a million pictures. Brock and his new friend also found those little tiny sand crabs and had a bucket full of them. He thought that was pretty awesome and was showing me how to catch them. When it was finally time to go we headed back to the hotels to get ready for dinner.

So for that last night in San Diego we met my parents in Seaport Village and decided to eat at a restaurant called the Fish Market. Ok food and okay service not something I would personally recommend but it was right on the pier and absolutely gorgeous outside. The kids loved it there and directly next to this restaurant is this huge navy ship that has all these different helicopters on it which Brock was so fascinated with. It was a perfect ending to our day.

So that was our short vacation but it was so forth while. I can't express enough how wonderful it was to just get out of town and have a worry free time somewhere else!

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